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Energy Optimization for Outdoor Activity Recognition [r-libre/932]

Boukhechba, Mehdi; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Bouchard, Bruno; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles et Giroux, Sylvain (2016). Energy Optimization for Outdoor Activity Recognition. Journal of Sensors. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/6156914

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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : The mobile phone is no longer only a communication device, but also a powerful environmental sensing unit that can monitor a user’s ambient context. Mobile users take their devices with them everywhere which increases the availability of persons’ traces. Extracting and analyzing knowledge from these traces represent a strong support for several applications domains, ranging from traffic management to advertisement and social studies. However, the limited battery capacity of mobile devices represents a big hurdle for context detection, no matter how useful the service may be. We present a novel approach to online recognizing users’ outdoor activities without depleting the mobile resources. We associate the places visited by individuals during their movements with meaningful human activities using a novel algorithm that clusters incrementally user’s moves into different types of activities. To optimize the battery consumption, the algorithm behaves variably on the basis of users’ behaviors and the remaining battery level. Studies using real GPS records from two big datasets demonstrate that the proposal is effective and is capable of inferring human activities without draining the phone resources.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://www.hindawi.com/journals/js/2016/6156914/
Déposant: Gouin-Vallerand, Charles
Responsable : R-libre
Dépôt : 06 mai 2016 15:12
Dernière modification : 09 juin 2022 19:55

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