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Designing and Communicating Ontologies Visually [r-libre/2272]

Paquette, Gilbert et Héon, Michel (soumis). Designing and Communicating Ontologies Visually. Semantic Web Journal.

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[img]  PDF - Designing and Communicating Ontologies Visually-V7-IOS.pdf
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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Soumis
Résumé : In this paper we discuss ways to support the Ontology Engineering process by providing a Visual Language for OWL 2 ontologies. We examine eight proposals for an ontology visual language stemming from Semantic Web research, including our own Visual Ontology Language that has evolved from our MOT semi-formal visual language. The MOT-OWL visual language implements the visual typing of ontology entities and links, and also the use of polysemy between these elements to increase the readability and manageability of the visual models. Then we compare this visual notation and other Visual Ontology Languages using principles from the Physics of Notation Theory. This comparison helps us identify improvements that are being implemented in our more recent visual language, G-OWL, based on a systematic meta-modeling effort.
Déposant: Paquette, Gilbert
Responsable : Gilbert Paquette
Dépôt : 04 mai 2021 14:56
Dernière modification : 04 mai 2021 14:56

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