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Laboratory as a Service (LaaS): a Model for Developing and Implementing Remote Laboratories as Modular Components [r-libre/906]

Tawfik, Mohamed; Salzmann, Christophe; Gillet, Denis; Lowe, David; Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Sancristobal, Elio et Castro, Manuel (2014). Laboratory as a Service (LaaS): a Model for Developing and Implementing Remote Laboratories as Modular Components. International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), 10 (4).

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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : The increasing adoption of remote laboratories in education along with the shift from eLearning 2.0 towards eLearning 3.0, have demanded several considerations in their implementation and delivery format. In response to these needs, this contribution introduces a novel model, Laboratory as a Service (LaaS), for developing remote laboratories as independent component modules and implementing them as a set of loosely-coupled services to be consumed with a high level of abstraction and virtualization. LaaS aims to tackle the common concurrent challenges in remote laboratories developing and implementation such as inter-institutional sharing, interoperability with other heterogeneous systems, coupling with heterogeneous services and learning objects, difficulty of developing, and standardization. Beyond the academic context, LaaS will facilitate the incorporation of remote laboratories in the ecosystem of the ubiquitous smart things surrounding us, which increases everyday with the approaching Web of Things (WoT) and artificial intelligence era. This, in turn, will create a breeding ground for online control, experimentation, and discovery—in either formal or informal context and with neither temporal nor geographical constraints.
Informations complémentaires : This paper was awarded as 'iJOE Outstanding Paper 2014'. The certificate was handed over during the 12th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2015) in Bangkok.
Adresse de la version officielle : http://online-journals.org/index.php/i-joe/article...
Déposant: Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou
Responsable : Hamadou Saliah-Hassane
Dépôt : 30 mars 2016 15:42
Dernière modification : 30 mars 2016 15:42

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