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Sintaxi i semàntica verbals en el discurs d'especialitat: elements per a l'activació del valor terminològic [r-libre/882]

Joan Casademont, Anna (2008). Sintaxi i semàntica verbals en el discurs d'especialitat: elements per a l'activació del valor terminològic. Barcelona, Catalogne, Espagne : Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada, coll. « Tesis ». ISBN 978-84-692-0973-8

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Content : Published Version
Item Type: Books
Refereed: Yes
Status: Unpublished
Abstract: This thesis, within the frame of the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT), aims at observing the terminological-value activating elements of phraseological verbs in specialized discourse. Syntax and Semantics of common use and frequent phraseological verbs in Economy and Genomic texts are described at different levels, and differences and similarities in their behavior in both domain discourses are detected to establish tendencies. From the analysis, we identify the minimal verbal constructions working as specialized knowledge units (SKU) and we observe if the verbs being the syntactic core of these groups suffer semantic changes in specialized contexts. Moreover, we reinterpret for verbs the activation factors proposal by Adelstein (2007, and we empirically confirm different assumptions of CTT on polysemy. The thesis has three parts: the basis of the research, the syntax-semantic analysis of the corpus, and the results and conclusions.
Additional Information: Thèse doctorale. ISBN 978-84-692-0973-8
Official URL: http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/7506/taj...
Depositor: Joan Casademont, Anna
Owner / Manager: Anna Joan Casademont
Deposited: 15 Feb 2016 19:39
Last Modified: 22 Jan 2020 18:57

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