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The DBR Methodology for the Study of Context in Learning [r-libre/562]

Bourdeau, Jacqueline (2017). The DBR Methodology for the Study of Context in Learning. Dans Brézillon, Patrick; Turner, Roy et Penco, Carlo (dir.), Modeling and Using Context : Proceedings of the 10th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2017 (p. 541-556). Cham : Springer, coll. « Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol 10257 ». ISBN 978-3-319-57836-1 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-57837-8_44

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Catégorie de document : Communications dans des actes de congrès/colloques
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : In the Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology, the process is as im-portant as the product, and each iteration is considered a sub-result leading to the next one. This methodology is being used in the TEE project, to both study and elaborate solutions for Learning in Context. This paper describes the origins of the project, as well as the steps taken to conduct it, with a perspective for future work. The DBR methodology is presented as applied in the TEEC project (TEEC= Tech-nologies Educatives et Enseignement en Contexte). Keywords: Design-Based Research, DBR, Methodology, Modelling, Context, Learning, Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Adresse de la version officielle : https://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319578361
Déposant: Lalonde, Mylène
Responsable : Jacqueline Bourdeau
Dépôt : 16 janv. 2018 14:57
Dernière modification : 16 janv. 2018 14:57

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