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Group mentoring and collaborative knowledge modeling to support expertise sharing in universities [r-libre/496]

Basque, Josianne (2012). Group mentoring and collaborative knowledge modeling to support expertise sharing in universities. Dans Proceedings of the International Congress on University Teaching and Innovation (CIDUI 2012). Barcelone, Espagne : University Pompeu Fabra.

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[img]  PDF - jbasque-03-2012.pdf
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Catégorie de document : Communications dans des actes de congrès/colloques
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : This paper reports a small-scale experiment of a strategy designed to support the sharing of academic and professional expertise at a Distance Learning University. Two small groups of academic staff members (one of 4 professors and one of 5 instructional designers, both including experienced and new employees) volunteered to meet monthly, over a one-year period, to elaborate a collective knowledge map representing a portion of their professional knowledge. This tool- and peer-mediated mentoring activity created an informal learning context in which participants were encouraged to externalize and thus share some tacit as well as organisational explicit knowledge related to their professional practices.
Déposant: Basque, Josianne
Responsable : Josianne Basque
Dépôt : 05 déc. 2014 18:32
Dernière modification : 16 juill. 2015 00:46

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