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Managing Open Educational Resources on the Web of Data [r-libre/490]

Paquette, Gilbert et Miara, Alexis (2014). Managing Open Educational Resources on the Web of Data. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 5 (8).

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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : In the last few years, the international work on Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCS) underlined new needs for open educational resources (OER) management within the context of the Web of Data. First, within MOOCs, all (or at least most) resources must be open and available on the Web through URIs, including the MOOCs themselves. Second the evolution of research and practice in the field of OER repositories, notably the focus in international e-learning standards, is moving recently from OER metadata stored in relational databases towards RDF-based descriptions of resources stored in triple stores. Third, new resource management tools like COMETE provide more intelligent search capabilities within the Web of data, both for designers who are building MOOCs, and also for students who should be equipped with friendly tools to personalize their environment. We will present some COMETE use cases to illustrate these new possibilities and advocate for their integration within MOOC platforms.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://thesai.org/Downloads/Volume5No8/Paper_6-Man...
Déposant: Paquette, Gilbert
Responsable : Gilbert Paquette
Dépôt : 28 nov. 2014 15:53
Dernière modification : 16 juill. 2015 00:46

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