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Intentionality, anger, coping and ego-defensiveness in reactive aggressive driving [r-libre/388]

Vallières, Évelyne F.; Vallerand, Robert J.; Bergeron, Jacques et McDuff, Pierre (2014). Intentionality, anger, coping and ego-defensiveness in reactive aggressive driving. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 44 (5), 354-363. https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.12228

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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : A motivational sequence was used as a theoretical framework for studying reactive aggressive driving. Study 1 tested the validity of the sequence ‘Perceived intentionality-Anger- Reactive aggressive driving’ and assessed the impact of coping on anger and reactive aggressive driving. The ecological validity of the same sequence was verified in Study 2 with a large sample of adult drivers, while examining the role of ego-defensiveness as a determinant of anger and aggressive driving. Study 1 showed the proposed sequence was supported and that coping strategies intervened at both anger and reaction levels, depending if the situation was perceived as intentional or not. Study 2 showed that anger mediated the impact of coping and ego-defensiveness on driving aggression. Sobel tests confirmed the anger mediation effect in both studies.
Informations complémentaires : This research was supported by the Programme d’Action concertée Fonds Nature et Technologies – MTQ – SAAQ.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jasp.12...
Déposant: Vallières, Évelyne
Responsable : Évelyne Vallières
Dépôt : 10 oct. 2014 12:46
Dernière modification : 29 oct. 2019 13:19

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