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A Competency-Based Ontology for Learning Design Repositories [r-libre/363]

Paquette, Gilbert (2014). A Competency-Based Ontology for Learning Design Repositories. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 5 (1), 55-62.

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Content : Published Version
Item Type: Journal Articles
Refereed: Yes
Status: Published
Abstract: Learning designs are central resources for educational environments because they provide the organizational structure of learning activities; they are concrete instructional methods. We characterize each learning design by the competencies they target. We define competencies at the meta-knowledge level, as generic processes acting on domain-specific knowledge. We summarize a functional taxonomy of generic skills that draws upon three fields of knowledge: education, software engineering and artificial intelligence. This taxonomy provides the backbone of an ontology for learning designs, enabling the creation of a library of learning designs based on their cognitive and meta-cognitive properties.
Official URL: http://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=5&...
Depositor: Paquette, Gilbert
Owner / Manager: Gilbert Paquette
Deposited: 17 Sep 2014 16:01
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2016 19:29

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