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Dynamics of soil water potential as a function of stand types in a temperate forest: Emphasis on flash droughts [r-libre/3350]

Courcot, Blandine; Lemire, Daniel et Bélanger, Nicolas (sous presse). Dynamics of soil water potential as a function of stand types in a temperate forest: Emphasis on flash droughts. Geoderma Regional. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2024.e00850

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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Accepté (sous presse)
Résumé : In the context of a changing climate and the increasing occurrences of extreme events, including droughts, field evidence, and models suggest that cases of forest decline and migration of tree species to more suitable climates will augment in the 21st century. In northeastern North America, an expansion of American beech at the expense of maples has been observed since the 1970s and has been associated to several causes. Through an analysis of time series leveraging thousands of data collected in a temperate forest in southern Quebec, Canada, dynamics of soil water potential were analyzed in interaction with soil temperature, meteorological variables and forest types, including hardwoods (mostly maple) with a large presence of beech trees (hardwood-beech stands), hardwoods (maple and birch) and mixedwoods (maple and fir). During flash drought events with a net precipitation deficit and water stress, the presence of beech led to a decrease in soil temperature and favored the maintenance of low soil water potential and faster restoration of water reserves compared to mixedwoods. Using machine learning-based approaches, distinct critical soil temperature thresholds in regard to water potential were identified for the various forest types, and the temporality in soil water regime changes was more favorable under hardwood-beech stands. The presence of beech appears to render greater resilience in regard to water stress in this forest. A greater capacity of beech to preserve and restore soil water not only offers an additional explanation for its establishment in hardwoods in the last decades, but greater water conservation in the presence of beech, assuming it remains in the landscape, could also help local plant species adapt to climate change and to the predicted increased water deficits, as well as species migrating northward to find more suitable environmental envelopes.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/...
Déposant: Lemire, Daniel
Responsable : Daniel Lemire
Dépôt : 19 août 2024 15:09
Dernière modification : 19 août 2024 15:09

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