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Universalism and extensionalism revisited [r-libre/3284]

Morneau-Guérin, Frédéric (2023). Universalism and extensionalism revisited [compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Calosi, Claudio et Giordani, Alessandro]. Mathematical Reviews.

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Catégorie de document : Comptes rendus d'ouvrages
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : The article under review provides a discussion of the relationship between Mereological universalim (the thesis that any plurality of entities has a fusion) and Mereological extensionalism (the thesis that composite entities having the same proper parts are identical). A novel notion of sum (a technical notion introduced to capture the intuitive notion of fusion of plurality of entities) that is not equivalent to the three notions of sums that are usually recognized in the mereological literature is presented. It is shown that this new notion of sum is immune to reasonable complaints that can be raised against some such notions. Finally, it is argued that Varzi’s claim (2009) of the point that Mereological universalim entails Mereological extensionalism is justified if one sticks to Varzi’s notion of sum, but does not hold true with this new notion of sum.
Informations complémentaires : © Copyright American Mathematical Society 2023
Déposant: Morneau-Guérin, Frédéric
Responsable : Frédéric Morneau-Guérin
Dépôt : 03 juin 2024 13:10
Dernière modification : 03 juin 2024 13:10

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