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Le rôle modérateur de l'activité physique dans la relation entre le modèle demande-latitude et le présentéisme [r-libre/3270]

Hervieux, Valérie; Caron, Pier-Olivier; Biron, Caroline; Fernet, Claude, & Ivers, Hans (May 2024). Le rôle modérateur de l'activité physique dans la relation entre le modèle demande-latitude et le présentéisme. Lecture presented at the 61e congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne des relations industrielles (ACRI), Longueuil.

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Content : Slideshow
Item Type: Conference papers (unpublished)
Refereed: Yes
Status: Unpublished
Abstract: Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the moderating role of physical activity in the relationship between job demands, job control and presenteeism. Methods The data were collected from a population-based web panel of 1,450 workers in Quebec. The Job Demand-Control (JDC) model was used to dichotomize job demands and control. To test the moderating role of physical activity, a preliminary analysis was carried out in which the relationship between job demands, job control and presenteeism was stratified by physical activity level (active/inactive). Then, a latent moderation was modeled in which physical activity was hypothesized to moderate the relationships between JDC categories (active, passive, low-strain, high-strain) and presenteeism. Results Physical activity significantly moderated the relationship (i.e., lower presenteeism) for the active job and passive job categories. Lower presenteeism was also observed for high-strain job but not at a significant level. No moderation was observed for low-strain job. Conclusion Physical activity, which can be considered as a personal resource, is likely to reduce presenteeism for employees in an active or passive job. The results of this study suggest the value of incorporating an individual resource such as physical activity as a moderating variable in the relationship between work characteristics and presenteeism.
Depositor: Caron, Pier-Olivier
Owner / Manager: Pier-Olivier Caron
Deposited: 27 May 2024 14:45
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 12:50

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