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Past tenses in narrative production. How do advanced speakers of Spanish as a second language compare to native speakers? [r-libre/3241]

Cruz Enriquez, Maura et Alba de la Fuente, Anahí (2024). Past tenses in narrative production. How do advanced speakers of Spanish as a second language compare to native speakers?. Semas. Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada, 5 (9), 27-46. https://doi.org/10.61820/zr58dg52

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Catégorie de document : Articles de revues
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : Past tense acquisition presents a challenge for learners of Spanish as a second language (L2). Previous research in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) has primarily focused on the paradigmatic relationships between simple past tenses (cantó and cantaba) where the change of form entails a change of meaning. The paradigmatic relationships that exist between different tenses to express the same meaning, as well as verbal tense polysemy, have received less attention. To address these gaps, we introduce the Function-Meaning-Form model, and we apply it to analyze a corpus of written narratives, produced by L1 and advanced L2 Spa-nish speakers, based on a film excerpt. Through this analysis, we explore tense polysemy and investigate differences between advanced and native speakers in handling this phenomenon. Our findings reveal a significant difference between groups in their approach to verbal tense polysemy.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://semas.uaq.mx/index.php/ojs/article/view/14...
Déposant: Cruz Enriquez, Maura
Responsable : Maura Cruz Enriquez
Dépôt : 23 avr. 2024 13:34
Dernière modification : 23 avr. 2024 13:34

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