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The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication. Boris H. J. M. Brummans, Bryan C. Taylor and Anu Sivunen (Eds.) [r-libre/3230]

Bencherki, Nicolas (sous presse). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication. Boris H. J. M. Brummans, Bryan C. Taylor and Anu Sivunen (Eds.) [compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Non précisé]. Communication Theory. https://doi.org/10.1093/ct/qtae005

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Catégorie de document : Comptes rendus d'ouvrages
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Non
Étape de publication : Accepté (sous presse)
Résumé : Organizational communication is not only a discipline, but also a community. It has its meeting places, such as the annual conventions of the National and International Communication Associations. It has its rituals, such as business meetings and award ceremonies during these conferences. Unfortunately, however, the field has few outlets to showcase its research. Management Communication Quarterly is the field’s only flagship journal. Moreover, for a long time, The Sage Handbook of Organizational Communication (Putnam & Mumby, 2013), which has gone through several editions, was the only comprehensive volume presenting the discipline’s “state of the art.” Recently, this has started to change. In 2017, Craig Scott and Laurie Lewis edited the impressive International Encyclopedia of Organization Communication (Scott & Lewis, 2017). In 2021, François Cooren and Peter Stücheli-Herlach edited the Handbook of Management Communication (de Gruyter) (Cooren & Stücheli-Herlach, 2021). And in 2022, Joëlle Basque, Nicolas Bencherki, and Timothy Kuhn edited The Routledge Handbook of the Communicative Constitution of Organization (Basque et al., 2022). In addition, Vernon Miller and Marshall Scott Poole are about to publish a new Handbook of Organizational Communication (in press).
Adresse de la version officielle : https://academic.oup.com/ct/advance-article-abstra...
Déposant: Bencherki, Nicolas
Responsable : Nicolas Bencherki
Dépôt : 28 mars 2024 15:12
Dernière modification : 28 mars 2024 15:12

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