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ptchart : An R package for computing Precision Teaching measures and charts [r-libre/3049]

Gellen-Kamel, Alexandre et Caron, Pier-Olivier (juill. 2023). ptchart : An R package for computing Precision Teaching measures and charts. Affiche présentée au 10e European Congress of Methodology de l'European Association of Methodology, Gand.

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Catégorie de document : Communications à des congrès/colloques et conférences (non publiées)
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Non publié
Résumé : Precision Teaching is a domain within Applied Behavior Analysis that are interested in measuring and charting behavior on a standardized chart to assess the eectiveness of an intervention and, if needed, to make the appropriate changes (Heron, Heward & Cooper, 2014). All calculations and chartings are traditionally made on paper and pencil with the Standard Celeration Chart and with a celeration and frequency nder (Graf & Lindsley, 2002; Pennypacker, Gutierrez & Lindsley, 2003). Even though the paper and pencil approach is suitable for applied purposes, it is not for more rigorous, scientic ones. Very few digital tools exist and most are designed for clinic purposes. There is no existing software tool to help researchers in the Precision Teaching field. As there is a growing use of the R language among academics and in psychology in general, a dedicated package would be a substantial contribution in Precision Teaching. Thus, we developed ‘ptchart‘, a package that computes measures and produces charts related to Precision Teaching. The goals of ‘ptchart‘ are multiple: (a) provide an intuitive interface with useful default parameters, (b) reduce coding time to get results, (c) give fexibility to manipulate outputs for further analyses, (d) generate charts that are presentation or publication ready. The ‘ptchart‘ package provides two main functions : ‘ptstat()‘ which computes relevant indices, and ‘ptchart()‘ which produces the charts. A thorough example of the package will be presented. As it is an active package in current development, present and planned features and limitations will be discussed.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://eam2023.ugent.be/
Déposant: Caron, Pier-Olivier
Responsable : Pier-Olivier Caron
Dépôt : 05 oct. 2023 18:29
Dernière modification : 05 oct. 2023 18:29

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