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de recherche en accès libre
Bédard, Jean-Luc; Pudelko, Béatrice; Kagorora, Faustin; Psyché, Valéry; Zaidman, Anna Maria et Simard-Tozzi, Geneviève (oct. 2022). Articulating technological and pedagogical accessibility for adult learners in distance education. Communication présentée à la 10e Conférence triennale de l'ESREA (European Society of Research on the Education of Adults), Milan, Italie.
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Catégorie de document : | Communications à des congrès/colloques et conférences (non publiées) |
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : | Oui |
Étape de publication : | Non publié |
Résumé : | Title : Articulating technological and pedagogical accessibility for adult learners in distance education. Context. Online training and education for adults was forced to reinvent itself throughout the covid-19’s pandemic context. It has opened opportunities and challenges for adult educators and learners, as well as for institutions hosting distance adult education. However, the expansion of online learning in context of formal or non-formal adult education raises many issues for adult educators. Some recent studies carried out in various pandemic contexts have shown that nearly half of all learners have experienced problems linked to pedagogical or technological accessibility, even with reliable internet access and sufficient bandwidth (for example, DARES & Réseau CARIF-OREF, 2020). Theoretical/conceptual framework. Europe implements international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards, for technological accessibility through the European accessibility directive mandatory for all European countries, and national legislative frameworks (for example, RGAA in France). In Canada, following the example of other Canadian provinces, Quebec has adapted the WCAG standards by making them mandatory for online training in universities, public organizations and health institutions, in the form of SGQRI-008 standards. This normative framework has contributed to the emergence of recent initiatives aimed at explaining and promoting technological accessibility in adult education in Europe and Canada. Technological accessibility is however only one aspect of inclusive distance learning, the other being pedagogical inclusion. The Universal Learning Design (ULD) approach appears to be a relevant form of inclusive pedagogy for distance adult education as it suggests designing accessible learning for all students, rather than adapting the learning situation to diverse students once the design is complete (Rogers-Shaw, David & Choi, 2018). There is a growing interest for the ULD framework in higher education, however other adult education sectors would benefit from learning about ULD (Burgstahler, 2015;). In our view, the universal design framework should develop a culture of inclusion in adult distance education and be aimed at answering the question of the adequacy of resources to the needs and differentiated capacities of people and that of taking theses differences into account (Loventhal et al, 2020). Aim/Research question. The emerging challenge is to concretely combine these two normative frameworks aimed at accessibility and inclusion in online learning, in a common design framework adapted to adult education (Gronseth, 2019). The main objective of our current work is to identify points of convergence and divergence between ULD principles and accessibility standards in Europe and Canada. How do we ensure that online training and education is technologically accessible to all adults, including those with various kinds of disabilities and allows for inclusion of all types of learners? Methods. The authors of this paper are members of the Quebec IDE@) project team - Implementing an digital e-learning alternative- subsidized by the ERASMUS + European program, in collaboration with four European partners (GIP Formation continue et insertion professionnelle de l’Académie de Créteil, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, European Certification and Qualification Association and Koena). We have developed a three-stages approach consisting of 1) a comparative study of technological accessibility common principles contained in the WCAG-inspired standards and pedagogical principles contained in UDL; 2) developing an inclusive and accessible online learning design framework adapted to adult learners based on these principles 3) evaluation and validation of this online design framework with adult educators focus groups. Results. Current results are preliminary and we will complete them shortly,before the conference is held. We plan to present the conceptual framework, the methodology and the framework of inclusive and accessible online learning design "for all and for each adult learner". References Burgstahler, S. (2015). Opening Doors or Slamming Them Shut? Online Learning Practices and Students with Disabilities. Social Inclusion, 3(6), 69-79. DARES & RÉSEAU CARIF-OREF (France) (202O, juin). Résultats d’enquête. Le maintien à distance de l’activité de formation. Enquête OF-Covid. Répéré à https://reseau.intercariforef.org/sites/default/files/fichiers/2020-06/RCO-enquete-OF-Covid.pdf Gronseth, S. (2019). Inclusive Design for Online and Blended Courses: Connecting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Universal Design for Learning. Educational Renaissance, 7, 14-22. Repéré à http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1218623.pdf Lowenthal, P. R., Greear, K., Humphrey, M., Lowenthal, A., Conley, Q., Giacumo, L. A., & Dunlap, J. C. (2020). Creating Accessible and Inclusive Online Learning: Moving beyond Compliance and Broadening the Discussion. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 21(2), 1-21. Repéré à https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1288511 Rogers-Shaw, C. C.-C., David J.; Choi, J.. (2018). Universal Design for Learning: Guidelines for Accessible Online Instruction. Adult Learning, 29(1), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.1177_1045159517735530 |
Adresse de la version officielle : | https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tFMUacrDSS... |
Déposant: | Bédard, Jean-Luc |
Responsable : | Jean-Luc Bédard |
Dépôt : | 18 nov. 2022 21:59 |
Dernière modification : | 18 nov. 2022 21:59 |
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