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de recherche en accès libre
Gagnon, Eloi; Boivin, Michel; Mimeau, Catherine; Feng, Bei; Morneau‐Vaillancourt, Genevieve; Aubé, Sophie; Brendgen, Mara; Vitaro, Frank et Dionne, Ginette (2024). The intensity of formal child‐care attendance decreases the shared environment contribution to school readiness: A twin study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 55 (4), 882-892. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-022-01440-6
Fichier(s) associé(s) à ce document :
- Gagnon et al. (2022).pdf
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Catégorie de document : | Articles de revues |
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : | Oui |
Étape de publication : | Publié |
Résumé : | The purpose of this study was to explore if child-care intensity (hours/weeks) and age of onset could moderate genetic and environmental contributions to school readiness. A sample of 648 (85% Whites; 50% Females) pairs of twins was used to compute a GxE, CxE and ExE interaction analyses. The moderation model showed that shared environment explains 48% of individual differences in school readiness for children not attending formal child-care, and decreased gradually to a mere 3% for children attending formal child-care full time, e.g., 40 h per week. Age of onset exerted no moderation effect. The results support the hypothesis that child-care acts as a normalizing environment, possibly buffering negative effects from low-quality home environments on school readiness. |
Déposant: | Mimeau, Catherine |
Responsable : | Catherine Mimeau |
Dépôt : | 11 nov. 2022 21:10 |
Dernière modification : | 14 janv. 2025 15:08 |