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Pedagogical Design and Development of Training Systems in the Context of a Pandemic [r-libre/2187]

Papi, Cathia (janv. 2021). Pedagogical Design and Development of Training Systems in the Context of a Pandemic. Conférence (sur invitation) présentée à Transition to Digital in Emergencies: What Lessons can be Learned?, en ligne.

Fichier(s) associé(s) à ce document :
[img]  PDF - JàD concepteur pédaogique.pptx
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Catégorie de document : Communications à des congrès/colloques et conférences (non publiées)
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Non
Étape de publication : Non publié
Résumé : The insidious spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to containment measures in Canada and many other countries, requiring teachers of all levels to engage in distance education. As a result, the Quebec Ministry of Education tasked Université TÉLUQ with creating a distance education program to train the province's teachers to teach remotely. The goal was to determine how to quickly prepare educators from different levels and grades to move from in-person to remote instruction. For this workshop, I will therefore discuss the process involved in creating the J'enseigne à distance [I teach remotely] program and free asynchronous online course that requires no registration but includes an accreditation option. J'enseigne à distance comprises four microprograms: "support," "disseminate," "adapt" and "assess" as well as support (for higher education) including webinars, a toolbox and a glossary specifically designed to help teachers adapt to the remote teaching environment. I will highlight the changes the project is currently undergoing, the collaborations underway to adapt the training to the specific educational levels, and the difficulties that had to be overcome in an emergency and telework context. Lastly, I will share attendance data as well as the perceived benefits and limitations of this kind of training.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://accp-caid.org/en/workshops/workshops.shtml
Déposant: Papi, Cathia
Responsable : Cathia Papi
Dépôt : 02 févr. 2021 16:05
Dernière modification : 01 févr. 2023 06:15

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