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Collaborative knowledge modeling between experts and novices: a strategy to support transfer of expertise in an organization [r-libre/2057]

Basque, Josianne; Imbeault, Clément; Pudelko, Béatrice et Léonard, Michel (2004). Collaborative knowledge modeling between experts and novices: a strategy to support transfer of expertise in an organization. Dans Canas, Alberto J.; Novak, Joseph D. et Gonzalez, Firmin M. (dir.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Concept Mapping (CMC 2004), Pamplona, September 14–17, vol. 1 (p. 75-81). Pamplona, Espagne : Universidad Publica de Navarra.

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[img]  PDF - CMC2004_Basque_Imbeault_etal_Eng_July14_2004_vff.pdf
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Catégorie de document : Communications dans des actes de congrès/colloques
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : We report a strategy of collaborative knowledge modeling between experts and novices implemented in a Canadian organization since 2002 to support the transfer of expertise and knowledge management in this organization. Participants use an object-typed knowledge modeling editor called MOT to elaborate knowledge models in pairs. A knowledge model is similar to a concept map, except that it is based on a typology of knowledge objects and on a typology of links, and its structure is not necessarily hierarchical. This technique is used to represent concepts, principles, procedures and facts related to a specific aspect of the work done by employees in the organization. The paper presents the rationale behind this project, describes how it is implemented and identifies some research issues.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://cmc.ihmc.us/cmc2004Proceedings/cmc2004%20-%...
Déposant: Basque, Josianne
Responsable : Josianne Basque
Dépôt : 24 sept. 2020 12:47
Dernière modification : 24 sept. 2020 12:47

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