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Ensinar ou confundir os alunos? O que a investigação diz sobre a ideia de que «é preciso variar o método de ensino» (version portugaise de Teaching or confusing the students? What the research tells us about the idea that «the teaching method must be varied») [r-libre/2005]

Gauthier, Clermont; Bissonnette, Steve, & Bocquillon, Marie (2020). Ensinar ou confundir os alunos? O que a investigação diz sobre a ideia de que «é preciso variar o método de ensino» (version portugaise de Teaching or confusing the students? What the research tells us about the idea that «the teaching method must be varied»). INICIATIVA EDUCAÇÃO.

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Content : Published Version
Item Type: Journal Articles
Refereed: Yes
Status: Published
Official URL: https://www.iniciativaeducacao.org/pt/ed-on/ed-on-...
Depositor: Bissonnette, Steve
Owner / Manager: Steve Bissonnette
Deposited: 06 Jul 2020 14:05
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2020 14:05

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