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Ruer, Perrine; Ferreira, Susan; Vallières, Évelyne F. et Gouin-Vallerand, Charles (mai 2017). Designing a Mobile Application for Older Adults: A Case Study to improve Safe Driving. Communication présentée à Workshop on Designing Mobile Interactions for the Aging Populations, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'17), Denver, USA.
Fichier(s) associé(s) à ce document :
- DesigningMobileInterfactions_workshopCHI_Rueretal..pdf
Contenu du fichier : Texte associé à la communication |
Catégorie de document : | Communications à des congrès/colloques et conférences (non publiées) |
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : | Oui |
Étape de publication : | Non publié |
Résumé : | Aging is a growing phenomenon in almost all countries of the world. Mobility is fundamental for older adults because it allows them to maintain an active lifestyle. Technologies have been developed to contribute to safety driving, but most of them do not take age declines into account. Aiming to contribute to this field, we focused on the interface design and the content of a mobile application to help older adults to drive safely. We conducted road experimentations and interview to identify what are the older adult needs. We proposed valuable recommendations to the design of a mobile application to support older adults safe driving. Furthermore, we implemented a mobile application which includes two main features: a real time driving alert and a driving report. |
Déposant: | Gouin-Vallerand, Charles |
Responsable : | R-libre |
Dépôt : | 04 févr. 2019 17:01 |
Dernière modification : | 09 juin 2022 19:55 |