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Ontology-Based Context Modelling for Designing a Context-Aware Calculator [r-libre/1564]

Psyché, Valéry; Anjou, Claire; Fenani, Wafa; Bourdeau, Jacqueline; Forissier, Thomas et Nkambou, Roger (2018). Ontology-Based Context Modelling for Designing a Context-Aware Calculator. Dans Guin, Nathalie et Kumar, Amruth (dir.), Workshop Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS 2018. (p. 13-22).

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Catégorie de document : Communications dans des actes de congrès/colloques
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : This paper reports on the research conducted by a team from the France-Quebec research project TEEC, and its advances. This team is responsible for modelling and designing of a context gap calculator, the MazCalc. The MazCalc is a computer artifact aimed at measuring the effects of two distinct context with the same object of study. In a Context-Based Teaching project such as the one presented in this paper: Context Modelling is essential in identifying the context parameters needed to include in the design of the context gap calculator in order to predict context differences; At the same time, measurements provided by the MazCalc are essential to guide the design of learning scenarios aiming to produce context effects among learners. The article is divided into three parts. First, the contextual modelling is presented, then we discuss the design of the MazCalc, and finally, we address the challenges of this research, namely: (1) the definition of the didactic context and its modelling, leading to the identification and the prediction of context deviations; and (2) the articulation of this modelling with the specifications of the MazCalc artifact. Context modelling is done using an ontological approach. While the iterative design of the MazCalc in connection with the realization of design experiments is conducted according to the Design Based Research method. At the end, we discuss the next steps to be taken.
Déposant: Psyché, Valéry
Responsable : Valéry Psyché
Dépôt : 09 nov. 2018 14:48
Dernière modification : 09 nov. 2018 15:27

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