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An Advisor System for Cultural Adaptation in Instructional Design [r-libre/1334]

Savard, Isabelle; Paquette, Gilbert, & Bourdeau, Jacqueline (2014). An Advisor System for Cultural Adaptation in Instructional Design. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS2014). Hawaï, United-States.

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Item Type: Papers in Conference Proceedings
Refereed: Yes
Status: Published
Abstract: In an age of globalization, it is important to consider cultural variables in the instructional design process, but as [2], [3], [7] and [16] point out, too few tools and guidelines exist to assist instructional designers in this task. Also, as pointed out by [13], professors are not always aware or even informed of the existence of cultural variables in pedagogical practices. We used a Design-based Research (DBR) iterative approach to identify cultural variables in the instructional design professional culture and we modeled knowledge regarding these variables via a formal ontology on the basis of which we created a “Cultural Diversity” knowledge base. Our “Cultural Diversity” knowledge base brings together knowledge regarding five cultures. Our advisor system, through an executable assistance process for cultural adaptation, uses this knowledge to advise the instructional designer, who then proceeds to adapt a pedagogical scenario to a culture other than his or her own. In this article, we present the executable assistance process model which enables the staging of different software agents that advise the designer, who must carry out the cultural adaptation of his or her pedagogical scenario.
Additional Information: CATS2014 is organized in con-junction with the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2014). Creating Fertile Soils for Learning Interactions. Workshop Co-Chairs: Emmanuel G. Blanchard, Isabela Gasparini, Amy Ogan, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo.
Official URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d643/1e83e83b2bb8...
Depositor: Savard, Isabelle
Owner / Manager: Isabelle Savard
Deposited: 04 Jan 2018 15:20
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2018 15:20

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