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A pre-individual perspective to organizational action [r-libre/1186]

Bencherki, Nicolas (2017). A pre-individual perspective to organizational action. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 17 (4), 777-799.

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Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Publié
Résumé : While organization studies and sociology have put considerable effort in attempting to explicate the way individual and organizational action are related, this paper proposes to borrow from the insights of French philosopher Gilbert Simondon, and to begin with action first by thinking of it as pre-individual, i.e. logically prior to any individual. This recognition turns the spotlight to the processes by which action, at once, contributes to the individuation of both people and organizations, thus constituting them. Affect plays a central role in the continuation of personal individuation processes into collective ones. The theory is illustrated through the analysis of segments of a documentary, Nomad’s Land (Corriveau, 2007), which tells the story of the tumultuous relationship between the Canadian army and the spouses of military members. The analysis will show how thinking of action as pre-individual reveals co-individuation’s political implications.
Adresse de la version officielle : https://www.ephemerajournal.org/contribution/pre-in...
Déposant: Bencherki, Nicolas
Responsable : Nicolas Bencherki
Dépôt : 13 sept. 2017 18:30
Dernière modification : 25 déc. 2017 14:31

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