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Sharing Knowledge in a Shared Services Center Context: An Explanatory Case Study of the Dialectics of Formal and Informal Practices [r-libre/1007]

Vieru, Dragos, & Arduin, Pierre-Emmanuel (2016). Sharing Knowledge in a Shared Services Center Context: An Explanatory Case Study of the Dialectics of Formal and Informal Practices. In Kotlarsky, Julia; Oshri, Ilan, & Willcocks, Leslie P. (Ed.), Shared Services and Outsourcing: A Contemporary Outlook (p. 19-39). Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, coll. « Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing », vol. 266. ISBN 978-3-319-47009-2

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Content : Accepted Version
Item Type: Book Sections
Refereed: Yes
Status: Published
Abstract: This study focuses on how knowledge sharing across boundaries of merging entities during an information system (IS) implementation project in a shared services center (SSC) context affects the resulting system functionality. Although the literature stresses the growing adoption of the SSC as an outsourcing model, there is a lack of studies that examine shared services as a dynamic process of knowledge sharing across the organizational boundaries. We draw on a sociomaterial practice perspective and on the theory of workarounds to analyze an IS implementation project in a healthcare organization resulting from a merger of previously independent hospitals. The results suggest that new technology can be enacted in different ways as it links up with practices of different communities of users. We propose a multilevel process model that indicates at the end of the project a resulting mix of formal and informal (workarounds) practices that emerged from a dialectic process of resistance to, and negotiation of, the IS configuration during its implementation.
Additional Information: Revised Selected Papers, 10th Global Sourcing Workshop 2016, Val d'Isère, France, February 16-19, 2016.
Depositor: Vieru, Dragos
Owner / Manager: Dragos Vieru
Deposited: 14 Sep 2016 17:26
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2016 17:35

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