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Abou-Abbas, Lina; Hagemeister, Nicola; Ouakrim, Youssef; Cagnin, Alix; Laundry, Philippe; Richardson, Glen; Dunbar, Michael, & Mezghani, Neila (2024). Unveiling distinct kinematic profiles among total knee arthroplasty candidates through clustering technique. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 19 (479).
Brackett-Rozinsky, Nevin, & Lemire, Daniel (In Press). Batched Ranged Random Integer Generation. Software: Practice and Experience.
Courcot, Blandine; Lemire, Daniel, & Bélanger, Nicolas (In Press). Dynamics of soil water potential as a function of stand types in a temperate forest: Emphasis on flash droughts. Geoderma Regional.
Keiser, John, & Lemire, Daniel (2024). On-Demand JSON: A Better Way to Parse Documents?. Software: Practice and Experience, 54 (6).
Feng, Xiameng; Liu, Zhen; Vo Duy, Sung; Munoz, Gabriel; Parent, Lise, & Sauvé, Sébastien (2024). Pesticides and transformation products in surface waters of western Montérégie, Canada: occurence, spatial distribution and ecotoxicological risks. Environmental Science : Advances.
Nadif, Sami; Sabir, Essaid; Elbiaze, Halima, & Haqiq, Abdelkrim (In Press). Green Grant-Free Power Allocation for Ultra-Dense Internet of Things: A Mean-Field Perspective. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, In Pre.
Nizipli, Yagiz, & Lemire, Daniel (2024). Parsing Millions of URLs per Second. Software: Practice and Experience, 54 (5).
Chachoui, Yasmine; Azizi, Nabiha; Hotte, Richard, & Benseba, Tahar (2024). Enhancing algorithmic assessment in education: Equi-fused-data-based SMOTE for balanced learning.. Computer and Education : Artificial intelligence, 6, 1-15.
Lemire, Daniel (2024). Exact Short Products From Truncated Multipliers. Computer Journal, 67 (4).
Jemal, Imene; Abou-Abbas, Lina; Henni, Khadidja; Mitiche, Amar, & Mezghani, Neila (2024). Domain adaptation for EEG-based, cross-subject epileptic seizure prediction. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 18, 1303380.
Naimi, Safwen; Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (2024). 1D-Convolutional transformer for Parkinson disease diagnosis from gait. Neural Computing and Applications.
Hatrisse, Chloé; Macaire, Claire; Hebert, Camille; Hanne-Poujade, Sandrine; De Azevedo, Emeline; Audigié, Fabrice; Ben Mansour, Khalil; Marin, Frederic; Martin, Pauline; Mezghani, Neila; Chateau, Henry, & Chèze, Laurence (2023). A Method for Quantifying Back Flexion/Extension from Three Inertial Measurement Units Mounted on a Horse’sWithers, Thoracolumbar Region, and Pelvis. Sensors, 23 (9625).
Ben Arous, Myriam; Haddar, Ines; Truong, Alex; Ayena, C. Johannes; Ouakrim, Youssef; El Kamel, Leila; Chikhaoui, Belkacem, & Mezghani, Neila (2023). Non-invasive wearable devices for urinary incontinence detection—a mini review. Frontiers in Sensors, 4, 1279158.
Clausecker, Robert, & Lemire, Daniel (2023). Transcoding Unicode Characters with AVX-512 Instructions. Software: Practice and Experience, 53 (12).
Jemaa, Hela; Bouachir, Wassim; Leblon, Brigitte; LaRocque, Armand; Haddadi, Ata, & Bouguila, Nizar (2023). UAV-Based Computer Vision System for Orchard Apple Tree Detection and Health Assessment. Remote Sensing, 15.
Collectif scientifique sur les enjeux énergétiques au Québec, Le; Sauvée, Lucie; Brullemans, Marc; Campbell, Bonnie; Reutenauer, Christophe; Saunier, Bernard; Waaub, Jean-Philippe, & Weissenberger, Sebastian (2023). Engagement, militance et lobbyisme scientifique. À babord !, 95, 60-61.
Weissenberger, Sebastian, & Santos Silva, Julia (2023). Planification de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques et aux risques côtiers au Québec – acteurs et articulation. Fractures, 2 (8), 10-11.
Bacon, Marie-Hélène; Vandelac, Louise; Gagnon, Marc-André, & Parent, Lise (2023). Poisoning Regulation, Research, Health, and the Environment:The Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Case in Canada. Toxics, 11 (121), 1-20. toxics11020121
Abou-Abbas, Lina; Henni, Khadidja; Jemal, Imene; Mitiche, Amar, & Mezghani, Neila (2023). Patient-independent epileptic seizure detection by stable feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 232, 120585.
Mushtak, Noble, & Lemire, Daniel (2023). Fast Number Parsing Without Fallback. Software: Practice and Experience, 53 (7), 1467-1471.
Zgaren, Ahmed; Bouachir, Wassim, & Bouguila, Nizar (2023). Automatic counting of planting microsites via local visual detection and global count estimation. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 1-15.
Graf, Thomas Mueller, & Lemire, Daniel (2022). Binary Fuse Filters: Fast and Smaller Than Xor Filters. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 27.
Humeau, Tom; Savard, Isabelle; Lemire, Daniel; Dionne, Pierre-Olivier; Angulo Mendoza, Gustavo Adolfo; Plante, Patrick; Pinard, Anne Marie, & Roy, Jean-Sébastien (2022). FORCES 3 : Exploitation à des fins pédagogiques des données d’un portail d’apprentissage de l’autogestion de la douleur. Développement d’une architecture de collecte et d’analyse de données et d’un module de suivi du développement des compétences. Médiations et médiatisations (12), 74-97.
Plante, Isabelle; Winn, Louise M; Vaillancourt, Cathy; Grigorova, Petya, & Parent, Lise (2022). Killing two birds with one stone: Pregnancy is a sensitive window for endocrine effects on both the mother and the fetus. Environmental Research, 205.
Lemire, Daniel, & Muła, Wojciech (2022). Transcoding Billions of Unicode Characters per Second with SIMD Instructions. Software: Practice and Experience, 52 (2).
Barton-Maclaren, Tara S.; Wade, Mike; Basu, Niladri; Bayen, Stephane; Grundy, Jean; Marlatt, Vicky; Moore, Roberta; Parent, Lise; Parrott, Joanne; Grigorova, Petya; Pinsonnault-Cooper, Joelle, & Langlois, Valerie S. (2022). Innovation in regulatory approaches for endocrine disrupting chemicals: The journey to risk assessment modernization in Canada. Environmental Research, 204.
Cagnin, Alix; Mezghani, Neila; Choinière, Manon; Bureau, Nathalie J., & Hagemeister, Nicola (2022). Home-based neuromuscular exercises can address biomechanical markers linked to knee osteoarthritis: A secondary analysis from a cluster randomized controlled trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 30, S136-S137.
Delbes, Géraldine; Blázquez, M.; Fernandino, J.I.; Grigorova, Petya; Hales, B.F; Metcalfe, C.; Navarro-Martín, L.; Parent, Lise; Robaire, B.; Rwigemera, A.; Van Der Kraak, G.; Wade, Mike, & Marlatt, Vicky (2022). Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gonad development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals. Environmental Research, 204, B.
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Georgiopoulos, Miltiadis; Santaguida, Carlo, & Collins, D Louis (2022). Ultrasound-based navigated pedicle screw insertion without intraoperative radiation: feasibility study on porcine cadavers. The Spine Journal, 22 (8), 1408-1417.
Hagemeister, Nicola; Lenoir, L.; Cagnin, Alix; Segal, N.A., & Mezghani, Neila (2022). Associations between biomechanical markers from a knee kinesiography exam and patient outcome measures: A comprehensive review. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 30, S135.
Marlatt, Vicky; Bayen, Stephane; Castaneda-Cortès, D.; Delbes, Géraldine; Grigorova, Petya; Langlois, V.S.; Martyniuk, C.J.; Metcalfe, C.; Parent, Lise; Rwigemera, A.; Thompson, P., & Van Der Kraak, G. (2022). Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife and humans. Environmental Research, 208.
Mezghani, Neila; Soltana, Rayan; Ouakrim, Youssef; Cagnin, Alix; Fuentes, Alexandre; Hagemeister, Nicola, & Venditolli, Pascal-André (2022). Phenotypes In 3D knee kinematics of healthy individuals: Identification and characterization: 1160. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 54 (9S), 284.
Maïga, Alhoudourou, A., & Hotte, Richard (2021). Monographie de l'enfant de Gao : l'école en Afrique subsaharienne. Graphies Francophones (001), 284-298.
Klarqvist, Marcus D. R.; Muła, Wojciech, & Lemire, Daniel (2021). Efficient Computation of Positional Population Counts Using SIMD Instructions. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33 (17).
Paquette, Gilbert; Bejaoui, Rim, & Marino, Olga (2021). A Competency Ontology for Learning Environments Personalization. Smart Learning Environments.
Lemire, Daniel; Bartlett, Colin, & Kaser, Owen (2021). Integer Division by Constants: Optimal Bounds. Heliyon, 7 (6).
Keiser, John, & Lemire, Daniel (2021). Validating UTF-8 In Less Than One Instruction Per Byte. Software: Practice and Experience, 51 (5), 950-964.
Lemire, Daniel (2021). Number Parsing at a Gigabyte per Second. Software: Practice and Experience, 51 (8).
Houle, Daniel; Marty, Charles; Gagnon, Christian; Bilodeau-Gauthier, Simon, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2021). Is the past history of acidic deposition in eastern Canada reflected in sugar maple's tree rings 87Sr/86Sr, Sr and Ca concentrations?. Applied Geochemistry, 125, 104860.
Lewis, François; Plante, Patrick, & Lemire, Daniel (2021). Pertinence, efficacité et principes pédagogiques de la réalité virtuelle et augmentée en contexte scolaire : une revue de littérature. Médiations & médiatisations (5), 11-27.
Bensalma, Fatima; Hagemeister, Nicola; Cagnin, Alix; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mezghani, Neila; Choinière, Manon; Bureau, Nathalie J.; Durand, Madelaine, & Gaudreault, Nathaly (2021). Musculoskeletal and biomechanical characteristics are better associated with knee clinical condition than radiographic severity in osteoarthritis patients. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 29, S265-S267.
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Rabau, Oded; Santaguida, Carlo, & Collins, D Louis (2021). Evaluation of an Ultrasound-Based Navigation System for Spine Neurosurgery: A Porcine Cadaver Study. Frontiers in Oncology, 11 (619204).
Li, Zhenxi; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (2021). Multiple Convolutional Features in Siamese Networks for Object Tracking. Machine Vision and Applications, 32 (3), 59.
Fontana, Mario; Collin, Alexandre; Couchesne, Francois; Labrecque, Michel, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2020). Root System Architecture of Salix miyabeana “SX67” and Relationships with Aboveground Biomass Yields. Bioenergy Research, 13 (1), 183-196.
Lévesque, Ann; Bélanger, Nicolas; Poder, Thomas G.; Filotas,, Élise, & Dupras, Jérôme (2020). From white to green gold: Digging into public expectations and preferences for ecological restoration of asbestos mines in southeastern Quebec, Canada. The Extractive Industries and Society, 7 (4), 1411-1423.
Ihou, Koffi Eddy; Bouguila, Nizar, & Bouachir, Wassim (2020). Efficient integration of generative topic models into discriminative classifiers using robust probabilistic kernels. Pattern Analysis and Applications.
Emilson, Caroline E.; Bélanger, Nicolas; Brais, Suzanne; Chisholm, Colin E.; Diochon, Amanda; Joseph, Ruth; Markam, John; Morris, Dave; Van Rees, Ken; Rutherford, Michael; Venier, Lisa A., & Hazlett, Paul W. (2020). Short-term growth response of jack pine and spruce spp. to wood ash amendment across Canada. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 12 (2), 158-167.
Charron, Guillaume; Robichaud-Courteau, Thomas; La Vigne, Hughes; Weintraub, Samantha; Hill, Andy; Justice, Douglas; Bélanger, Nicolas, & Lussier Desbiens, Alexis (2020). The Deleaves: A UAV device for efficient tree canopy sampling. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 8 (3), 245-264.
El Maachi, Imanne; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (2020). Deep 1D-Convnet for accurate Parkinson disease detection and severity prediction from gait. Expert Systems with Applications, 143.
Zerkouk, Meriem, & Chikhaoui, Belkacem (2020). Spatio-Temporal Abnormal Behavior Prediction in Elderly Persons Using Deep Learning Models. Sensors, 20 (8), 2359.
Graf, Thomas Mueller, & Lemire, Daniel (2020). Xor Filters: Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 25 (1).
Muła, Wojciech, & Lemire, Daniel (2020). Base64 encoding and decoding at almost the speed of a memory copy. Software: Practice and Experience, 50 (2), 89-97.
Bensalma, Fatima; Richardson, Glen; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Dunbar, Michael; Hagemeister, Nicola, & Mezghani, Neila (2020). A Combined Visualization Method for Multivariate Data Analysis. Application to Knee Kinematic and Clinical Parameters Relationships. Applied Sciences, 10 (5), 1762.
Correia, David LP; Bouachir, Wassim; Gervais, David; Pureswaran, Deepa; Kneeshaw, Daniel D, & De Grandpré, Louis (2020). Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Plant Phenology Studies From Noisy Time-Lapse Images. IEEE Access, 8, 13151 - 13160.
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Santaguida, Carlo, & Collins, D Louis (2020). The state-of-the-art in ultrasound-guided spine interventions.. Medical Image Analysis, 65 (101769).
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Yan, X B Charles, & Collins, D Louis (2020). Open-source software for ultrasound-based guidance in spinal fusion surgery.. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 46 (12), 3353-3368.
Héon, Michel, & Paquette, Gilbert (Submitted). G-OWL: A Complete Visual Syntax for OWL 2 Ontology Modeling and Communication. Semantic Web Journal.
Paquette, Gilbert, & Héon, Michel (Submitted). Designing and Communicating Ontologies Visually. Semantic Web Journal.
Tshimula, Jean-Marie; Chikhaoui, Belkacem, & Wang, Shengrui (In Press). A New Approach for Affinity Relationship Discovery in Online Forums. Social Network Analysis and Mining.
Bélanger, Nicolas; Collin, Alexandre; Ricard-Piché, Jacinthe; Kembel, Steven W., & Rivest, David (2019). Microsite conditions influence leaf litter decomposition in sugar maple bioclimatic domain of Quebec. Biogeochemistry, 145 (1-2), 107-126.
Bouachir, Wassim; Ihou, Koffi Eddy; Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Bouguila, Nizar, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2019). Computer Vision System for Automatic Counting of Planting Microsites Using UAV Imagery. IEEE Access, 7, 82491 - 82500.
Lemire, Daniel; Kaser, Owen, & Kurz, Nathan (2019). Faster Remainder by Direct Computation: Applications to Compilers and Software Libraries. Software: Practice and Experience, 49 (6), 953-970.
Dai, Xueping; Cheng, Li Zhen; Mareschal, Jean-Claude; Lemire, Daniel, & Liu, Chong (2019). New method for denoising borehole transient electromagnetic data with discrete wavelet transform. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 168, 41-48.
Lemire, Daniel (2019). Fast Random Integer Generation in an Interval. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 29 (1).
Lemire, Daniel, & O'Neill, Melissa (2019). Xorshift1024*, Xorshift1024+, Xorshift128+ and Xoroshiro128+ Fail Statistical Tests for Linearity. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 350, 139-142.
Ghazal, Sam; Sauthier, Michael; Brossier, David; Bouachir, Wassim; Jouvet, Philippe, & Noumeir, Rita (2019). Using machine learning models to predict oxygen saturation following ventilator support adjustment in critically ill children: A single center pilot study. PLoS ONE, 14 (2).
Abid, Mariem; Mezghani, Neila, & Mitiche, Amar (2019). Knee Joint Biomechanical Gait Data Classification for Knee Pathology Assessment : A Literature Review. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2019, ID 747203.
Ben Nouma, Badreddine; Mitiche, Amar, & Mezghani, Neila (2019). A Sample-Encoding Generalization of the Kohonen Associative Memory and Application to Knee Kinematic Data Representation and Pathology Classification. Applied Sciences, 9 (9), Article 1741.
Ben Nouma, Badreddine; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef, & Mezghani, Neila (2019). Pattern Classification by the Hotelling Statistic and Application to Knee Osteoarthritis Kinematic Signals. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 1 (3), 768–784.
Bensalma, Fatima; Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Choinière, Manon; J. Bureau, Nathalie; Durand, Madelaine, & Hagemeister, Nicola (2019). A multivariate relationship between the kinematic and clinical parameters of knee osteoarthritis population. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 18 (1), Article 58.
Cagnin, Alix; Choinière, Manon; Bureau, Nathalie J.; Durand, Madelaine; Mezghani, Neila; Gaudreault, Nathaly, & Hagemeister, Nicola (2019). Effective conservative care targeting mechanical markers as risk factors for knee osteoarthritis progression: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 27, S485.
Cagnin, Alix; Choinière, Manon; Bureau, Nathalie J.; Durand, Madeleine; Mezghani, Neila; Gaudreault, Nathaly, & Hagemeister, Nicola (2019). A multi-arm cluster randomized clinical trial of the use of knee kinesiography in the management of osteoarthritis patients in a primary care setting. Postgraduate Medicine.
Clément, Julien; Blakeney, William; Hagemeister, Nicola; Desmeules, François; Mezghani, Neila; Lowry, Véronique, & Vendittoli, Pascal-André (2019). Hip-Knee-Ankle (HKA) angle modification during gait in healthy subjects. Gait and Posture, 72, 62-68.
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Drouin, Simon; Yan, X B Charles, & Collins, D Louis (2019). Toward real-time rigid registration of intra-operative ultrasound with preoperative CT images for lumbar spinal fusion surgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 14, 1933-1943.
Langdale, Geoff, & Lemire, Daniel (2019). Parsing Gigabytes of JSON per Second. VLDB Journal, 28 (6).
Paquette, Gilbert (2019). Le rôle central des ressources et des compétences dans l’ingénierie des environnements d’apprentissage. Univers TICe - Magazine de l’Université Virtuelle de Tunis (2), 37-39.
Ye, Bing; Khan, Shehroz S.; Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Iaboni, Andrea; Schindel Martin, Lori; Newman, Kristine; Wang, Angel, & Mihailidis, Alex (2019). Challenges in collecting big data in a clinical environment with vulnerable population : Lessons learned from a study using a multi-modal sensors platform. Journal of Science and Engineering Ethics, 25 (5), 1447–1466.
Fontana, Mario; Labrecque, Michel; Messier, Christian, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2018). Permanent site characteristics exert a larger influence than atmospheric conditions on leaf mass, foliar nutrients and ultimately aboveground biomass productivity of Salix miyabeana ‘SX67’. Forest Ecology and Management, 427 (1), 423-433.
Amichev, Beyhan Y.; Volk, Timothy A.; Hangs, Ryan D.; Bélanger, Nicolas; Vujanovic, Vladimir, & Van Rees, Ken C.J. (2018). Growth, Survival, and Yields of 30 Short-Rotation Willow Cultivars on the Canadian Prairies: 2nd Rotation Implications. New Forests, 49 (5), 649-665.
Rehouma, Haythem; Noumeir, Rita; Bouachir, Wassim; Jouvet, Philippe, & Essouri, Sandrine (2018). 3D imaging system for respiratory monitoring in pediatric intensive care environment. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 70, 17-28.
Bouachir, Wassim; Gouiaa, Rafik; Li, Bo, & Noumeir, Rita (2018). Intelligent video surveillance for real-time detection of suicide attempts. Pattern Recognition Letters, 110.
Muła, Wojciech, & Lemire, Daniel (2018). Faster Base64 Encoding and Decoding Using AVX2 Instructions. ACM Transactions on the Web, 12 (3).
Kimmig, Sara R.; Holmden, Chris, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2018). Biogeochemical cycling of Mg and its isotopes in a sugar maple forest in Québec. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 230 (1), 60-82.
Li, Jing; Yan, Yuhong, & Lemire, Daniel (2018). Full Solution Indexing for top-K Web Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 11 (3), 521 - 533.
Lemire, Daniel; Kaser, Owen; Kurz, Nathan; Deri, Luca; O'Hara, Chris; Saint-Jacques, François, & Ssi-Yan-Kai, Gregory (2018). Roaring Bitmaps: Implementation of an Optimized Software Library. Software: Practice and Experience, 48 (4), 867–895.
Lemire, Daniel; Kurz, Nathan, & Rupp, Christoph (2018). Stream VByte: Faster byte-oriented integer compression. Information Processing Letters, 130.
Muła, Wojciech; Kurz, Nathan, & Lemire, Daniel (2018). Faster population counts using AVX2 instructions. Computer Journal, 61 (1).
Badia, Antonio, & Lemire, Daniel (2018). On Desirable Semantics of Functional Dependencies over Databases with Incomplete Information. Fundamenta Informaticae, 158 (4), 327-352.
Ben Nouma, Badreddine; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). Knee kinematic curve representation and application to knee pathology classification. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 4 (1), 32-39. doi: 10.5430/jbei.v4n1p32
Burke, Mark W.; Fillion, Myriam; Mejia, José; Ervin, Franck R., & Palmour, Roberta M. (2018). Perinatal MAO inhibition produces long-lasting impairment of serotonin function in offspring. Brain Sciences, 8 (6), 106.
Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Bing, Ye, & Mihailidis, Alex (2018). Aggressive and agitated behavior recognition from accelerometer data using non-negative matrix factorization. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 9 (5), 1375–1389.
Collin, Alexandre; Messier, Christian; Kembel, Steven W., & Bélanger, Nicolas (2018). Can sugar maple establish into the boreal forest? Insights from seedlings under various canopies in southern Quebec. Ecosphere, 9 (1), 1-18.
Correia, D. L. P.; Raulier, F.; Bouchard, M., & Filotas, E. (2018). Response diversity, functional redundancy, and post-logging productivity in northern temperate and boreal forests. Ecological Applications, 28 (5).
Henni, Khadidja; Mezghani, Neila, & Gouin-Vallerand, Charles (2018). Unsupervised graph-based feature selection via subspace and pagerank centrality. Expert Systems with Applications, 114, 46-53. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.07.029
Henni, Khadidja; Mezghani, Neila; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Ruer, Perrine; Ouakrim, Youssef, & Vallières, Évelyne F. (2018). Feature selection for driving fatigue characterization and detection using visual- and signal-based sensors. Applied Informatics, 5 (7), 1-15.‑018‑0054‑9
Kenny, Tiff-Annie; Fillion, Myriam; MacLean, Jullian; Wesche, Sonia, & Chan, Hing Man (2018). Calories are cheap, nutrients are expensive – the challenge of healthy living in Arctic communities. Food Policy, 80, 39-54.
Kenny, Tiff-Annie; Fillion, Myriam; Simpkin, Sarah; Wesche, Sonia, & Chan, Hing Man (2018). Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and Inuit Nutrition Security in Canada. EcoHealth, 15 (3), 590-607.
Kenny, Tiff-Annie; Wesche, Sonia; Fillion, Myriam; MacLean, Jullian, & Chan, Hing Man (2018). Supporting Inuit Food Security: A Synthesis of Initiatives in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Northwest Territories. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue canadienne des études sur l’alimentation, 5 (2), 73-110.
Mabrouk, Rostom; Chikhaoui, Belkacem, & Bentabet, Layachi (2018). Machine Learning Based Classification Using Clinical and DaTSCAN SPECT Imaging Features: A Study on Parkinson’s Disease and SWEDD. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 3 (2), 170 - 177.
Mezghani, Neila; Mechmeche, Imene; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2018). An analysis of 3D knee kinematic data complexity in knee osteoarthritis and asymptomatic controls. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), e0202348.
Fontana, Mario; Labrecque, Michel; Messier, Christian; Courchesne, Francois, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2017). Quantifying the effects of soil and climate on aboveground biomass production of Salix miyabeana SX67 in Quebec. New Forests, 48 (6), 817-835.
Perreault, Lili; Brais, Suzanne; Bélanger, Nicolas, & Quideau, Sylvie (2017). Soil and seedling response to dehydrated septic tank sludge versus forest floor additions at a disturbed site. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 98 (1), 114-127.
Collin, Alexandre; Messier, Christian; Kembel, Steven, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2017). Low light availability associated with American beech is the main factor for reduced sugar maple seedling Survival and growth rates in a hardwood forest of southern Quebec. Forests, 8 (11), 413.
Ivanchykhin, Dmytro; Ignatchenko, Sergey, & Lemire, Daniel (2017). Regular and almost universal hashing: an efficient implementation. Software: Practice and Experience, 47 (10).
Boukhechba, Mehdi; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Gaboury, Sébastien; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Giroux, Sylvain, & Bouchard, Bruno (2017). Prediction of next destinations from irregular Patterns. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-13.
Collin, Alexandre; Messier, Christian, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2017). Conifer presence may negatively affect sugar maple’s ability to migrate into the boreal forest through reduced foliar nutritional status. Ecosystems, 20 (4), 701-716.
Mezghani, Neila; Billard, Delphine; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Hagemeister, Nicola, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2017). Biomechanical analysis to characterize the impact of knee osteoarthritis on hip, knee, and ankle kinematics. Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 3 (2), 36-42.
Bejaoui, Rim; Paquette, Gilbert; Basque, Josianne, & Henri, France (2017). Cadre d'analyse de la personnalisation de l'apprentissage dans les cours en ligne ouverts et massifs (CLOM). Revue STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Éducation et la Formation), 24 (2).
Saint-Denis, Annick; Kneeshaw, Daniel; Bélanger, Nicolas; Simard, Suzanne; Laforest-Lapointe, Isabelle, & Messier, Christian (2017). Species-specific responses to forest soil inoculum in planted trees in an abandoned agricultural field. Applied Soil Ecology, 112, 1-10.
Mezghani, Najla; Ben Amor, Jihene; Spooner, David M.; Simon, Philip W.; Mezghani, Neila; Boubaker, Hiba; Namji, M'rad A.; Rouz, Slim; Hannachi, Cherif; Neffati, Mohamed, & Tarchoun, Neji (2017). Multivariate analysis of morphological diversityamong closely related Daucus species and subspecies in Tunisia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.
Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mitiche, Amar; Hagemeister, Nicola; Venditolli, Pascal, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2017). Mechanical biomarkers of medial compartment knee osteoarthritis diagnosis and severity grading: Discovery phase. Journal of Biomechanics, 52, 106-112.
Correia, David Laginha Pinto; Raulier, Frédéric; Filotas, E., & Bouchard, Mathieu (2017). Stand height and cover type complement forest age structure as a biodiversity indicator in boreal and northern temperate forest management. Ecological Indicators, 72, 288-296.
Fontana, Mario; Labrecque, Michel; Collin, Alexandre, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2017). Stomatal distribution patterns change according to leaf development and leaf water status in Salix miyabeana. Plant Growth Regulation, 81 (1), 63-70.
Lemire, Daniel, & Rupp, Christoph (2017). Upscaledb: Efficient Integer-Key Compression in a Key-Value Store using SIMD Instructions. Information Systems, 66, 13–23.
Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Chiazzaro, Mauricio; Wang, Shengrui, & Sotir, Martin (2017). Detecting communities of authority and analyzing their influence in dynamic social networks. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 8 (6), 82:1-82:28.
Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Ye, Bing, & Mihailidis, Alex (2017). Feature-level combination of skeleton joints and body parts for accurate aggressive and agitated behavior recognition. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 8 (6), 957–976.
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; McGuffin, Michael J, & Laporte, Catherine (2017). Latency management in scribble-based interactive segmentation of medical images. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65 (5), 1140-1150.
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Collin, Alexandre; Messier, Christian; Côté, Benoît; Fontana, Mario, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2016). Contrasting nutritional acclimation of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and red maple (Acer rubrum L.) to increasing conifers and soil acidity as demonstrated by foliar nutrient balances. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 85.
Mezghani, Neila; Fuentes, Alexandre; Gaudreault, Nathaly; Mitiche, Amar; Aissaoui, Rachid; Hagemeister, Nicola, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2013). Identification of knee frontal plane kinematic patterns in normal gait by principal component analysis. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 13 (3), 284-291.
Filotas, E.; Parrott, L.; Burton, P.J.; Chazdon, R.L.; Coates, K.D.; Coll, L.; Haeussler, S.; Martin, K.; Nocentini, S.; Puettmann, K.J.; Putz, F.E.; Simard, S.W., & Messier, C. (2014). Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science. Ecosphere, 5 (1), 1.
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Mezghani, Neila; Phan, Philippe; Mitiche, Amar; Labelle, Hubert, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2012). A Kohonen neural network description of scoliosis fused regions and their corresponding Lenke classification. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 7 (2), 257-264.
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Amichev, Beyhan; Hangs, Ryan D.; Bélanger, Nicolas; Volk, Timothy A.; Vujanovic, Vladimir; Schoenau, Jeff J., & Van Rees, Kenneth C. J. (2015). First-rotation yields of 30 short-rotation willow cultivars in central Saskatchewan, Canada. Bioenergy Research, 8 (1), 292-306.
Hangs, Ryan D.; Schoenau, Jeff J.; Van Rees, Kenneth C. J.; Bélanger, Nicolas; Volk, Timothy, & Jensen, Thomas (2014). First rotation biomass production and nutrient cycling within short-rotation coppice willow plantations in Saskatchewan, Canada. Bioenergy Research, 7 (4), 1091-1111.
Labbé, David R.; De Guise, Jacques A.; Mezghani, Neila; Godbout, Véronique; Grimard, Guy; Baillargeon, David; Lavigne, Patrick; Fernandes, Julio; Ranger, Pierre, & Hagemeister, Nicola (2010). Feature selection using a principal component analysis of the kinematics of the pivot shift phenomenon. Journal of Biomechanics, 43 (16), 3080-3084.
Amichev, Beyhan Y.; Hangs, Ryan D.; Konecsni, Sheala M.; Stadnyk, Christine N.; Volk, Timothy A.; Bélanger, Nicolas; Vujanovic, Vladimir; Schoenau, Jeff J.; Moukoumi, Judicaël, & Van Rees, Kenneth C. J. (2014). Willow short-rotation production systems in Canada and Northern United States: A review. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78 (S1), S168-S181.
Phan, Philippe; Mezghani, Neila; Wai, Eugene K.; De Guise, Jacques A., & Labelle, Hubert (2013). Artificial neural networks assessing adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : comparison with Lenke classification. Spine Journal, 13 (11), 1527-1533.
Hangs, Ryan D.; Schoenau, Jeff J.; Van Rees, Kenneth C. J.; Bélanger, Nicolas, & Volk, Timothy A. (2014). Leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release characteristics of several willow varieties within short-rotation coppice plantations in Saskatchewan, Canada. Bioenergy Research, 7 (4), 1074-1090.
Gaudreault, Nathaly; Mezghani, Neila; Turcot, Katia; Hagemeister, Nicola; Boivin, Karine, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2011). Effects of physiotherapy treatment on knee osteoarthritis gait data using principal component analysis. Clinical Biomechanics, 26 (3), 284-291.
Bélanger, Nicolas; Carcaillet, Christopher; Padbury, Glenn A.; Harvey-Schafer, Alexis N., & Van Rees, Kenneth C. J. (2014). Periglacial fires and trees in a continental setting of Central Canada, Upper Pleistocene. Geobiology, 12 (2), 109-118.
Routhier, Martine; Lafleur, Benoit, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2014). Accumulation des stocks de carbone dans les sols sous des cultures bioénergétiques de Populus spp., Salix spp. et Panicum Virgatum. Vertigo, 14 (2).
Bilodeau-Gauthier, Simon; Paré, David; Messier, Christian, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2013). Root production of hybrid poplars and nitrogen mineralization improve following mounding of boreal Podzols. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43 (12), 1092-1103.
Labbé, David R.; De Guise, Jacques A.; Mezghani, Neila; Godbout, Véronique; Grimard, Guy; Baillargeon, David; Lavigne, Patrick; Fernandes, Julio; Ranger, Pierre, & Hagemeister, Nicola (2011). Objective grading of the pivot shift phenomenon using a support vector machine approach. Journal of Biomechanics, 44 (1), 1-5.
Mezghani, Neila; Mitiche, Amar, & Cheriet, Mohamed (2008). Bayes classification of online Arabic characters by Gibbs modelling of class conditional densities. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30 (7), 1121-1131.
Chen, Ching-Chih; Beauregard, Frieda; Côté, Benoît; Bélanger, Nicolas; Courchesne, François, & Hendershot, William H. (2013). Partitioning of the source of leaf calcium of American beech and sugar maple using leaf Ca/Sr ratios: A predominantly surficial but variable depth of Ca uptake. Plant and Soil, 373 (1-2), 229-242.
Ens, Joel; Farrell, Richard E., & Bélanger, Nicolas (2013). Early effects of afforestation with willow (Salix purpurea, “Hotel”) on soil carbon and nutrient availability. Forests, 4 (1), 137-154.
Ens, Joel; Farrell, Richard E., & Bélanger, Nicolas (2013). Effects of edaphic conditions on site quality for Salix purpurea ‘Hotel’ plantations across a large climatic gradient in Canada. New Forests, 44 (6), 899-918.
Lafleur, Benoit; Paré, David; Claveau, Yves; Thiffault, Évelyne, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2013). Influence of afforestation on soil: The case of mineral weathering. Geoderma, 202-3, 18-29.
Bélanger, Nicolas; Holmden, Chris; Courchesne, François; Côté, Benoit, & Hendershot, William H. (2012). Constraining soil mineral weathering 87Sr/86Sr for calcium apportionment studies of a deciduous forest growing on soils developed from granitoid igneous rocks. Geoderma, 185-6, 84-96.
Houle, Daniel; Lamoureux, Patrick; Bélanger, Nicolas; Bouchard, Mireille; Gagnon, Christian; Couture, Suzanne, & Bouffard, Arianne (2012). Soil weathering rates in 21 catchments of the Canadian Shield. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16, 685-697.
Moukoumi, Judicaël; Farrell, Richard E.; Van Rees, Kenneth C. J.; Hynes, Russell K., & Bélanger, Nicolas (2012). Intercropping Caragana arborescens with Salix miyabeana to satisfy nitrogen demand and maximize growth. Bioenergy Research, 5 (3), 719-732.
Bilodeau-Gauthier, Simon; Paré, David; Messier, Christian, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2011). Juvenile growth of hybrid poplars on acidic boreal soil determined by environmental effects of soil preparation, vegetation control, and fertilization. Forest Ecology and Management, 261 (3), 620–629.
Pinno, Bradley D., & Bélanger, Nicolas (2011). Estimating trembling aspen productivity in the boreal transition ecoregion of Saskatchewan using site and soil variables. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 91 (4), 661-669.
Messier, Christian; Bélanger, Nicolas; Brisson, Jacques; Lechowicz, Martin J., & Gravel, Dominique (2011). Comment on ‘‘Present-day expansion of American beech in northeastern hardwood forests: Does soil base status matter?’’. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41 (3), 649–653.
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Contamines, Julien; Paquette, Gilbert, & Hotte, Richard (2009). LÉO, assistant logiciel pour une scénarisation pédagogique dirigée par les compétences.. Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, 6 (2-3), 26-33.
Holmden, Chris, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2010). Ca isotope cycling in a forested ecosystem. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (3), 995-1015.
Henri, France (2014). Les environnements personnels d’apprentissage, étude d’une thématique de recherche en émergence. Les Environnements Personnels d’Apprentissage : entre description et conceptualisation. Numéro spécial de Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Éducation et la Formation (STICEF), 21, 121-147.
Moukoumi, Judicaël; Hynes, Russell K.; Dumonceaux, Timothy J.; Town, Jennifer, & Bélanger, Nicolas (2013). Characterization and genus identification of rhizobial symbionts from Caragana arborescens in western Canada. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 59 (6), 399-406.
Buitrago, Mario; Paquette, Alain; Thiffault, Nelson; Bélanger, Nicolas, & Messier, Christian (2015). Early performance of planted hybrid larch: effects of mechanical site preparation and planting depth. New Forests, 46 (3), 319-337.
Filotas, E.; Grant, M.; Parrott, L., & Rikvold, P.A. (2010). Positive interactions and the emergence of community structure in metacommunities. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 266, 419-429.
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Chisholm, R.A., & Filotas, E. (2009). Critical slowing down as an indicator of transitions in two-species models. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 257 (1), 142-149.
Paquette, Gilbert, & Miara, Alexis (2014). Managing Open Educational Resources on the Web of Data. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 5 (8).
Paquette, Gilbert; Marino, Olga; Rogozan, Delia, & Léonard, Michel (2015). Competency-based personalization for massive online learning. Smart Learning Environments, 2 (4).
Paquette, Gilbert (2010). Ontology-Based Educational Modelling - Making IMS-LD Visual. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 7 (3-4), 263-296.
Ritz, Stacey A.; Antle, David M.; Côté, Julie; Deroy, Kathy; Fraleigh, Nya; Messing, Karen; Parent, Lise; St-Pierre, Joey; Vaillancourt, Cathy, & Mergler, Donna (2014). First steps for integrating sex and gender considerations into basic experimental biomedical research.. FASEB Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 28 (1), 4-13.
Crainiceanu, Adina, & Lemire, Daniel (2015). Bloofi : Multidimensional Bloom Filters. Information Systems, 54.
Zhao, Wayne Xin; Zhang, Xudong; Lemire, Daniel; Shan, Dongdong; Nie, Jian-Yun; Yan, Hongfei, & Wen, Ji-Rong (2015). A General SIMD-based Approach to Accelerating Compression Algorithms. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 33 (3).
Lemire, Daniel; Boytsov, Leonid, & Kurz, Nathan (2016). SIMD Compression and the Intersection of Sorted Integers. Software: Practice and Experience, 46 (6).
Chambi, Samy; Lemire, Daniel; Kaser, Owen, & Godin, Robert (2016). Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps. Software: Practice and Experience, 45 (5), 709–719.
Paquette, Gilbert; Bourdeau, Jacqueline; Henri, France; Basque, Josianne; Léonard, Michel, & Maina, Marcelo (2003). Construction d'une base de connaissances et d'une banque de ressources pour le domaine du téléapprentissage. Revue STICEF, 10.
Dufresne, Aude; Basque, Josianne; Paquette, Gilbert; Léonard, Michel; Lundgen-Cayrol, Karin, & Prom Tep, Sandrine (2003). Vers un modèle générique d'assistance aux acteurs du téléapprentissage. Revue STICEF, 10, 57-88.
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Lemire, Daniel, & Kaser, Owen (2016). Faster 64-bit universal hashing using carry-less multiplications. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 6 (3), 171-185.
Mezghani, Neila; Gaudreault, Nathaly; Mitiche, Amar; Ayoubian, Leyla; Ouakrim, Youssef; Hagemeister, Nicola, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2015). Kinematic gait analysis of workers exposed to knee straining postures by Bayes decision rule. Artificial Intelligence Research, 4 (2), 106-111.
Messier, C.; Puettmann, K.J.; Chazdon, R.L.; Andersson, K.P.; Angers, V.A.; Brotons, L.; Filotas, E.; Tittler, R.; Parrott, L., & Levin, S.A. (2015). From management to stewardship: Viewing forests as complex adaptive systems in an uncertain world. Conservation Letters, 8 (5), 368-377.
Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (2015). Collaborative part-based tracking using salient local predictors. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 137, 88-101.
Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (2015). Exploiting structural constraints for visual object tracking. Image and Vision Computing, 43, 39-49.
Brais, Suzanne; Bélanger, Nicolas, & Guillemette, Toma (2015). Wood ash and N fertilization in the Canadian boreal forest: Soil properties and response of jack pine and black spruce. Forest Ecology and Management, 348, 1-14.
Lafleur, Benoit; Labrecque, Michel; Arnold, Alexandre A., & Bélanger, Nicolas (2015). Organic Carbon Accumulation in Topsoil Following Afforestation with Willow: Emphasis on Leaf Litter Decomposition and Soil Organic Matter Quality. Forests, 6 (3), 769-793.
Bannon, Kim; Delagrange, Sylvain; Bélanger, Nicolas, & Messier, Christian (2015). American beech and sugar maple sapling relative abundance and growth are not modified by light availability following partial and total canopy disturbances. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45 (6), 632-638.
Craven, D.; Filotas, E.; Angers, V. A., & Messier, C. (2016). Evaluating resilience of tree communities in fragmented landscapes: linking functional response diversity with landscape connectivity. Diversity and Distributions, 22, 505-518.
Tittler, R.; Filotas, E.; Kroese, J., & Messier, C. (2015). Maximizing conservation and production with intensive forest management: It’s all about location. Environmental Management, 56, 1104-1107.
Filotas, E.; Grant, M.; Parrott, L., & Rikvold, P.A. (2008). Community-driven dispersal in an individual-based predator–prey model. Ecological Complexity, 5, 238-251.
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Abid, Mariem; Ouakrim, Youssef; Mitiche, Amar; Venditolli, Pascal-André; Hagemeister, Nicola, & Mezghani, Neila (2021). A comparative study of end-to-end discriminative deep learning models for knee joint kinematic time series classification. In Biomedical Signal Processing: Innovation and Applications (p. 33-61). Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-67494-6
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Belhaj Messaoud, Ines; Ben Cheikh, Elyes; Chiboub, Assaad; Loulou, Karim; Ouakrim, Youssef; Ben Jebara, Sofia; Dixon, Philippe C., & Mezghani, Neila (2023). Machine Learning based Approaches for Cough Detection From Acceleration. In IEEE 22th International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW2023). Sousse, Tunisia.
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Anwar, Noreen; Philippe, Duplessis-Guindon; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (2023). VisiTherS: Visible-Thermal Infrared Stereo Disparity Estimation of Human Silhouette. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (p. 394-402).
Coulombe, Audrey; Guérineau, Julia, & Mezghani, Neila (2023). Smart apparel design for urinary incontinence detection. In IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering; 8th International Conference on Intelligent Textiles & Mass Customisation, vol. 1266, no 1 (p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
Jemaa, Hela; Bouachir, Wassim; Leblon, Brigitte; LaRocque, Armand; Haddadi, Ata, & Bouguila, Nizar (2023). Tree health assessment from UAV images: Improving object detection and classification using hard negative mining and semi-supervised autoencoder. In 2023 20th Conference on Robots and Vision (CRV) (p. 312-319). IEEE.
Naimi, Safwen; Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (In Press). HCT: Hybrid Convnet-Transformer for Parkinson’s disease detection and severity prediction from gait. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2023). IEEE.
Naimi, Safwen; Koubaa, Olfa; Bouachir, Wassim; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre; Jeddore, Gregory; Baines, Patricia; Correia, David LP, & Arsenault, André (In Press). Automating lichen monitoring in ecological studies using instance segmentation of time-lapse images. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2023). IEEE.
Nfissi, Alaa; Bouachir, Wassim; Bouguila, Nizar, & Mishara, Brian (In Press). Iterative Feature Boosting for Explainable Speech Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2023). IEEE.
Zgaren, Ahmed; Bouachir, Wassim; Bouguila, Nizar, & Hammoud, Riad I. (2023). MoundCount: A Detection-Based Approach for Automatic Counting of Planting Microsites on UAV Images. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops (p. 497-506).
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Hagemeister, Nicola; Zeni Jr., Joseph; Cagnin, Alix; Crescenzo, Shawna, & Mezghani, Neila (2022). Knee kinesiography exam: literature review of an innovative dynamic assessment of knee dysfunctions, towards functional imaging. In Proc. SPIE 12036, Medical Imaging 2022: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging (p. 120361G). SPIE - International Society for Optics and Photonics.
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Cagnin, Alix; Choinière, Manon; Bureau, Nathalie J.; Durand, Madelaine; Mezghani, Neila; Gaudreault, Nathaly, & Hagemeister, Nicola (2020). Impact of a personalized care approach on 3D gait impairments in knee osteoarthritis patients (a cluster randomized controlled trial). Paper published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 28, S25.
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Dimitri Nguyen, Duc Minh; Miah, Mehdi; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (In Press). Transformers for 1D signals in Parkinson’s disease detection from gait. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022). IEEE.
Li, Zhenxi; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (In Press). MFST: Multi-Features Siamese Tracker. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). IEEE.
Mezghani, M; Hagemeister, Nicola; Kouki, M; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre, & Mezghani, Neila (2020). Prediction of the Impact of Physical Exercise on Knee Osteoarthritis Patients using Kinematic Signal Analysis and Decision Trees. In Proceedings of BIOSIGNALS 2020 : 13th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (p. 1-6). Valletta, Malta.
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Cherif, Nour H; Ouakrim, Youssef; Benazza-Benyahia, Amel, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). Physical activity classification using a smart textile. In Proceedings of the The Second Annual IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC) 2018 (p. 175-178). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-6709-5
Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Ferreira, Susan M., & Hotte, Richard (2018). Towards a mobile serious game environment for children self-learning. In Proceeding of 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (GoodTechs'18). Bologna, Italy : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ISBN 978-1-4503-6581-9
Otis, Samuel; Mezghani, Neila, & Abdulrazak, Bessam (2018). Comparative Study of Heart Rate Extraction Methods for a Novel Intelligent Mattress. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC 2018) (p. 93-98). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-8173-2
Saidani, Salma; Haddad, Rym; Mezghani, Neila, & Bouallegue, Ridha (2018). A survey on smart shoe insole systems. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Smart Communications and Networking (SmartNets) (p. 1-6). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-9202-8
Tlili, Ferdews; Haddad, Rim; Ouakrim, Youssef; Bouallegue, Ridha, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). A Review on posture monitoring systems. In Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Smart Communications and Networking (SmartNets) (p. 1-6). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-9202-8
Tlili, Ferdews; Haddad, Rim; Ouakrim, Youssef; Bouallegue, Ridha, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). A Survey on sitting posture monitoring systems. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC 2018) (p. 185-190). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-8173-2
Zgolli, Fatma; Henni, Khadidja; Haddad, Rim; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef; Hagemeister, Nicola; Venditolli, Pascal-André; Fuentes, Alexandre, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). Kinematic data clustering for healthy knee gait characterization. In Proceedings of the Second Annual IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC 2018) (p. 239-242). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-6709-5
Brun, Damien; Ruer, Perrine; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & George, Sébastien (2018). A Toolkit for Exploring Augmented Reality Through Construction with Children. In Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR 2018). Foz Do Iguaçu, Brésil : IEEE Digital Library.
Elforaici, Mohamed El Amine; Chaaraoui, Ismail; Bouachir, Wassim; Ouakrim, Youssef, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). Posture recognition using an RGB-D camera : exploring 3D body modeling and deep learning approaches. In IEEE Life Sciences Conference (LSC) (p. 69-72). Montreal, Canada : IEEE.
Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Frank, Gouineau, & Martin, Sotir (In Press). A CNN Based Transfer Learning Model for Automatic Activity Recognition from Accelerometer Sensors. In 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining MLDM 2018. New York, USA, coll. « Springer ».
Chikhaoui, Belkacem; Lussier, Maxime; Gagnon, Mathieu; Pigot, Hélène; Giroux, Sylvain, & Bier, Nathalie (2018). Automatic Identification of Behavior Patterns in Mild Cognitive Impairments and Alzheimer's Disease Based on Activities of Daily Living. In Mokhtari, M.; Abdulrazak, B., & Aloulou, H. (Ed.), Smart Homes and Health Telematics, Designing a Better Future: Urban Assisted Living. 16th International Conference On Smart Homes and Health Telematics (ICOST 2018) (p. 60-72). Singapore : Springer, coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 10898.
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Riahi, Dorra; Bouachir, Wassim; Ouakrim, Youssef, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). Depth imaging system for human posture recognition. In IEEE Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME 2018) (p. 177-181). IEEE.
Begoli, Edmon; Camacho-Rodríguez, Jesús; Hyde, Julian; Mior, Michael, & Lemire, Daniel (2018). Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) (p. 221-230).
Ben Arous, Mohamed Amine; Dunbar, Mickel; Arfaoui, Shaima; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Richardson, Glen, & Mezghani, Neila (2018). Knee Kinematics Feature Selection for Surgical and Nonsurgical Arthroplasty Candidate Characterization. In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018), vol. 4 (p. 176-181). SCITEPRESS. ISBN 978-989-758-279-0
Cherif, Nour H; Mezghani, Neila; Gaudreault, Nathaly; Ouakrim, Youssef; Mouzoune, Imane, & Boulay, Pierre (2018). Physiological data validation of the hexoskin smart textile. In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018), vol. 1 (p. 150-156). SCITEPRESS. ISBN 978-989-758-277-6
Ben Nouma, Badreddine; Mezghani, Neila; Mitiche, Amar, & Ouakrim, Youssef (2018). A variational method to determine the most representative shape of a set of curves and its application to knee kinematic data for pathology classification. In Proceedings of the second Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (MEDPRAI 2018). New York, USA : Association for Computing Machinery, coll. « ACM International Conference Proceedings Series ». ISBN 978-1-4503-5290-1
Henni, Khadidja; Mezghani, Neila; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Ruer, Perrine, & Vallières, Évelyne F. (2018). Driving Fatigue Characterization using Feature Ranking. In 9th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC) (p. 209-214). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5386-8174-9
Li, Zhenxi; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (2018). Multi-Branch Siamese Networks with Online Selection for Object Tracking. In Bebis, Georges; Boyle, Richard; Parvin, Bahram; Koracin, Darko; Turek, Matt; Ramalingam, Srikumar; Xu, Kai; Lin, Stephen; Alsallakh, Bilal; Yang, Jing; Cuervo, Eduardo, & Ventura, Jonathan (Ed.), Advances in Visual Computing : 13th International Symposium, ISVC 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, November 19-21, 2018, Proceedings. Cham, Suisse : Springer, coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 11241.
Chikhaoui, Belkacem, & Frank, Gouineau (2017). Towards Automatic Feature Extraction for Activity Recognition from Wearable Sensors: A Deep Learning Approach. In IEEE ICDM Workshops (p. 693-702). New Orleans, USA, coll. « IEEE ».
Li, Bo; Bouachir, Wassim; Gouiaa, Rafik, & Noumeir, Rita (2017). Real-time recognition of suicidal behavior using an RGB-D camera. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA 2017). Montréal, Canada : IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Rehouma, Haythem; Noumeir, Rita; Jouvet, Philippe; Bouachir, Wassim, & Essouri, Sandrine (2017). A computer vision method for respiratory monitoring in intensive care environment using RGB-D cameras. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA 2017). Montréal, Canada : IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Brun, Damien; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & George, Sébastien (2017). Augmented human mind: Case of reasoning. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. Maui, Hawaii : Association of Computing Machinery.
Charbonneau, Philippe; Dallaire-Côté, Mikael; Saint-Pierre Côté, Sara; Labbé, David R.; Mezghani, Neila; Shahnewaz, Sharif; Arafat, Imtiaz; Irfan, Tanvir; Samaraweera, Gayani, & Quarles, John (2017). Gaitzilla: Exploring the effect of embodying a giant monster on lower limb kinematics and time perception. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR) 2017. Montreal, Canada. ISBN 978-1-5090-3053-8
Saint-Pierre Côté, Sara; Charbonneau, Philippe; Aissaoui, Rachid; Nadeau, Sylvie; Duclos, Carl; Mezghani, Neila, & Labbé, David R. (2017). Effect of local modulation of a real-time self-avatar on 3D gait kinematics during natural walking on a treadmill. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR) 2017. Montréal, Canada. ISBN 978-1-5090-3053-8
Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mitiche, Amar; Venditolli, Pascal-André; Hagemeister, Nicola, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2017). Burden of disease mechanical biomarkers of knee osteoarthritis. In Actes de la 35e journée de la recherche du POES et de la division d'orthopédie de l'université de Montréal. Montréal, Canada.
Hotte, Richard; Ferreira, Susan M.; Abdessettar, Saâd, & Gouin-Vallerand, Charles (2017). Digital Learning Game Scenario: A pedagogical Pattern applied to Serious Game Design. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017). Porto, Portugal.
Dunbar, Michael; Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Macdonald, Hilary Susan; Whynot, Sarah, & Richardson, Glen (2017). Objective knee functional assessment to document appropriateness for total knee arthroplasty. In Proceedings of the 26th annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef; Islam, Md Rabaul; Yared, Rami, & Abdulrazak, Bessam (2017). Context aware adaptable approach for fall detection bases on Smart textile. In 2017 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI) (p. 473 - 476). New Jersey, États-Unis : IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). ISBN 978-1-5090-4179-4
Bouachir, Wassim, & Noumeir, Rita (2016). Automated video surveillance for preventing suicide attempts. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP). Madrid, Espagne : IET Digital Library.
Bouachir, Wassim; Torabi, Atousa; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Blais, Pascal (2016). A Bag of Words Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Monitored Scenes. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications. Tunis, Tunisia : IEEE.
Brun, Damien; Ferreira, Susan; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & George, Sébastien (2016). CARTON Project: Do-It-Yourself Approach to Turn a Smartphone into a Smart Eyewear. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2016). Singapour : Association of Computing Machinery.
Mezghani, Neila; Dunbar, Michael; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mitiche, Amar; Whynot, Sarah, & Richardson, Glen (2016). Biomechanical signal classification of surgical and non-surgical candidates for knee arthroplasty. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Signal, Image, Video and Communications (ISIVC). IEEE.
Boukhechba, Mehdi; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Bouchard, Bruno; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Giroux, Sylvain (2016). Hybrid battery-friendly mobile solution for extracting users’ visited places. In Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC 2016). Elsevier.
Ferreira, Susan; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Hotte, Richard (2016). Game based learning: a case study on designing an educational game for children in developing countries.. In Proceeding of 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications, vol. 4, no 16. Barcelone, Espagne.
Mechmeche, Imen; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef; De Guise, Jacques A., & Mezghani, Neila (2016). Data correction to determine a representative pattern of a set of 3D knee kinematic measurements. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE.
Coulombe, Claude; Paquette, Gilbert, & Mezghani, Neila (2016). Improving MOOCs’ Perseverance and Completion Rates Using Best Practice Design Principles. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2016).
Mhamdi, Mohamed; Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Braham, Rafik, & Bannour, Wahid (2016). Suitability of UML4ODP for an Engineering Specification of a Distributed Environment for Teaching Embedded Systems. In Proceedings of the 14th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Engineering Innovations for Global Sustainability”. Boca Raton, Florida, US : Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI Inc). ISBN 978-0-9822896-9-3
Ben Nouma, Badreddine; Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef, & Mitiche, Amar (2016). Estimation de la cinématique tridimensionnelle du genou basée sur l’optimisation par essaim de particules. In Actes de la Journée scientifique du LICEF. Modélisation d'environnements fonctionnels (p. 10-13). Montréal, Canada : TÉLUQ.
Boukhechba, Mehdi; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Gaboury, Sébastien; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Giroux, Sylvain, & Bouchard, Bruno (2016). Battery-Aware Mobile Solution for Online Activity Recognition from Users’ Movements. In Proceeding of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services (MS 2016). San Francisco : IEEE.
Hotte, Richard (2016). Conception d'un patron nommé Learning Game Scenario. In Actes de la Journée scientifique du LICEF. Modélisation d'environnements fonctionnels. (p. 89-93;). Montréal, Canada : TÉLUQ.
Mechmeche, Imen; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef; De Guise, Jacques A., & Mezghani, Neila (2016). Analyse de complexité des données cinématiques tridimensionnelles du genou. In Actes de la Journée scientifique du LICEF. Modélisation d'environnements fonctionnels (p. 66-70). Montréal, Canada : TÉLUQ.
Mechmeche, Imen; Mitiche, Amar; Ouakrim, Youssef; De Guise, Jacques A., & Mezghani, Neila (2016). Détermination d’un patron représentatif de la cinématique 3D du genou à l’aide d’une analyse fonctionnelle des données. In Actes de la Journée scientifique du LICEF. Modélisation d'environnements fonctionnels (p. 61-65). Montréal, Canada : TÉLUQ.
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Dodo Amadou, Moustapha; Maarouf, Saad, & Ofosu, Willie K. (2016). Using Services Oriented Remote Laboratories in Engineering Courses. In Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) International Forum. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA : American Society for Engineering Education.
Abdessettar, Saâd; Hotte, Richard; Gardoni, Mickaël, & Abdulrazak, Bessam (2016). Persuasive Technologies for Efficient Adaptable Self-Education Where There is Limited Access to School: Kids' Smart Mobile School Project. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning ELML 2016. Venise, Italie.
Chambi, Samy; Lemire, Daniel, & Godin, Robert (2016). Nouveaux modèles d’index bitmap compressés à 64 bits. In Actes des 12es journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en Ligne.
Chambi, Samy; Lemire, Daniel; Godin, Robert; Boukhalfa, Kamel; Allen, Charles, & Yang, Fangjin (2016). Optimizing Druid with Roaring bitmaps. In Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium. ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4118-9
Idrissa Mato, Saley; Djibo, Karimou; Bisso, Saley, & Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou (2016). A Secured Resource Access Management in Educational Cloud Computing Environment. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Digital Forensics.
Li, Jing; Yan, Yuhong, & Lemire, Daniel (2016). Scaling up Web Service Composition with the Skyline Operator. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services 2016.
Mezghani, Neila; Ouakrim, Youssef; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mitiche, Amar; Hagemeister, Nicola; Venditolli, Pascal, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2016). Severity grading mechanical biomarkers of knee osteoarthritis. Abstract published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24, S125-S126.
M'Ballo, Marie-Hélène; Diop, Alassane; Hotte, Richard, & Niang, Ibrahima (2016). Mobile Learning : hierarchical architecture : geographical location and routing of mobiles nodes. In Proceedings of World Symposium on computer applications & research (WSCAR'16) (p. 78 - 82). Caire, Egypte : IEEE. ISBN 978-1-5090-4114-5
Boukhechba, Mehdi; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Bouchard, Bruno; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Giroux, Sylvain (2015). Online Prediction of People’s Next Point-of-Interest: Concept Drift Support. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU 2015, Osaka, Japan, September 8) (p. 97-116). Springer, coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9277 ». ISBN 978-3-319-24194-4
Boukhechba, Mehdi; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Bouchard, Bruno; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Giroux, Sylvain (2015). Online recognition of people's activities from raw GPS data: semantic trajectory data analysis. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, (PETRAE 2015, Corfu, Greece, July 01 - 03). ACM.
Li, Jing; Yan, Yuhong, & Lemire, Daniel (2015). A web service composition method based on compact K2-trees. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (p. 403 - 410). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4673-7280-0
Wassa Mballo, Marie-Hélène; Diop, Alassane; Hotte, Richard, & Niang, Ibrahima (2015). A model of computer support to mobile learning in the senegalese educational system. In Proceedings of the Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT), 2015 (p. 1 - 6). Sousse, Tunisie : IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4673-6586-4
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou, & Reuzeau, Adrien (2015). Mobile open online laboratories: A way towards connectionist massive online laboratories with x-API (c-MOOLs). In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Madrid, Spain : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Benmakrelouf, Souhila; Mezghani, Neila, & Kara, Nadjia (2015). Towards the Identification of Players’ Profiles Using Game’s Data Analysis Based on Regression Model and Clustering. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (p. 1403-1410). ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3854-7
Chambi, Samy; Lemire, Daniel, & Godin, Robert (2014). Roaring bitmap : nouveau modèle de compression bitmap. In Actes des 10e journées francophones sur les Entrepôts de Données et l'Analyse en Ligne.
Li, Jing; Yan, Yuhong, & Lemire, Daniel (2014). Full Solution Indexing Using Database for QoS-aware Web Service Composition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (p. 99 - 106). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4799-5065-2
Savard, Isabelle; Bourdeau, Jacqueline, & Paquette, Gilbert (2014). Using Design Based Research to develop tools to help instructional designers with cultural adaptation. In Chick, Nancy, & Poole, Gary (Ed.), Actes de la International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Nurturing Passion and Creativity in Teaching and Learning (p. 164). Québec, Canada.
Savard, Isabelle; Paquette, Gilbert, & Bourdeau, Jacqueline (2014). An Advisor System for Cultural Adaptation in Instructional Design. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Culturally-Aware Tutoring Systems (CATS2014). Hawaï, United-States.
Tiado Issoufou, Mahamadou, & Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou (2013). Persistent SCTP Timeout Policy by Using Cross-Layer Mechanism. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE & Next Generation Networks and Services (NGNS 2012) Conference. Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Wright Brown, Cecelia; Nyarko, Kofi; Karimou, Djibo, & Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou (2012). A Depopulation Embedded System Model in Urban Environments. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2012. Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Saad, Maarouf, & Ofosu, Willie K. (2012). Networked Smart Educational Devices for Online Laboratories. In Björkqvis, Jerker; Laakso, Mikko-Jussi; Roslöf,, Janne; Tuohi, Raija, & Virtanen, Seppo (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Engineering Education (p. 695-700). Turku, Finland : Turku University of Applied Sciences, coll. « Research Reports from Turku University of Applied Sciences », no 38. ISBN 978-952-216-318-9
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Saad, Maarouf; Ofosu, Willie K.; Karimou, Djibo; Mayaki Alzouma, Hassane, & Dodo Amadou, Moustapha (2011). Lab@Home: Remote Laboratory Evolution in the Cloud Computing Era. In Proceedings of the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition (p. 22.995.1-22.995.13). Vancouver, BC, Canada : American Society for Engineering Education.
Héon, Michel; Basque, Josianne, & Paquette, Gilbert (2010). Validation de la sémantique d'un modèle semi-formel de connaissances avec OntoCASE. In Desprès, Sylvie (Ed.), IC 2010 : 21es Journées Ingénierie des Connaissances 2010 (Proceedings of the 21st French Knowledge Engineering Conference), Nîmes, France, June 8-10, 2010 (p. 55-66). Paris, France : Presses des Mines. ISBN 978-2-911256-25-7
Paquette, Gilbert, & Magnan, François (2009). From a Conceptual Ontology to the TELOS Operational System. In Proceeding of ITS-2008.
Héon, Michel; Paquette, Gilbert, & Basque, Josianne (2009). Méthodologie assistée de conception d'une ontologie à partir d'une conceptualisation consensuelle semi-formelle. In Gandon, Fabien (Ed.), IC 2009 : Actes des 20es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Hammamet, Tunisie, 25-29 mai 2009 (p. 61-72). ISBN 978-2-7061-1538-7
Paquette, Gilbert, & Magnan, François (2007). Learning Resource Referencing, Search and Aggregation at the eLearning System Level. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Learning Object Discovery & Exchange, LODE 2007. Sissi, Lassithi - Crête Grèce.
Paquette, Gilbert (2006). Building Graphical Knowledge Representation Languages - From Informal to Interoperable Executable Models. In Proceeding of the i2LOR-06 Conference.
Paquette, Gilbert, & Léonard, Michel (2006). Educational Modeling of a Collaborative Game using MOT+LD. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06). ISBN 0-7695-2632-2
Lundgren-Cayrol, Karin; Marino, Olga; Paquette, Gilbert; Léonard, Michel, & De la Teja, Ileana (2006). Implementation and Deployment of IMS-LD - Outcomes of the IDLD Project. In Proceeding of the ICALT-06 Conference. Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
Paquette, Gilbert; Marino, Olga; Lundgren-Cayrol, Karin; Léonard, Michel, & De la Teja, Ileana (2006). Learning Design Repositories - Structure Ontology and Processes. In Proceedings of the TenCompetence Workshop. Sofia, Bulgarie.
Masmoudi, Anis; Champagne, Roger, & Paquette, Gilbert (2006). Recherche des composants logiciels référencés par un modèle ontologique. In Proceedings of the INFORSID-06 conference.
Brisebois, Anne; Ruelland, Diane, & Paquette, Gilbert (2005). Supporting Self-Assessment in a Competency Approach to Learning. In Richards, Griff (Ed.), Proceedings of E-Learn 2005 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (p. 2828-2835). Vancouver, Canada : Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Rogozan, Delia, & Paquette, Gilbert (2005). Managing Changes to Ontology Versions to Maintain Referencing Integrity on the Semantic Web. In Proceeding of Web Intelligence Conference 2005. Compiègne, France.
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; De la Teja, Ileana, & Saad, Maarouf (2001). Outils, environnement et méthodologie pour l'encadrement et la formation d'équipes multidisciplinaires en génie travaillant en réseau par le Web. In Former des Ingénieurs par l'université virtuelle : VIIe Journées Internationales de Technologies (p. 125-140). Bruxelles : Conférence Internationale des Institutions de Formations d’Ingénieurs et de Techniciens d’Expression Française (CITEF), coll. « Prospectives Francophones ».
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Saad, Maarouf; Abou Jamous, Ghaleb; Nerguizian, Chahé, & Kodjo, Dave Aimé (1999). Environnement virtuel d’apprentissage et de formation sur le réseau Internet, du rêve à la réalité. In Actes du colloque Initiatives 97 : Inforoutes et technologies de l’information, une chance pour le développement dans l’espace francophone, (AUPELF-UREF). Paris : Association des universités partiellement ou entièrement de langue française - Université des réseaux d'expression française ((AUPELF) - UREF), coll. « Initiatives ».
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou (1997). Formation, coopération et assistance technique à distance médiatisées. In Actes des VIèmes journées internationales de technologies, conférence internationale des institutions de formations d’ingénieurs et de techniciens d’expression française (CITEF) (p. 111-126). Bruxelles : Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, coll. « Prospectives Francophones ».
Couture, Marc (2012). Effect of disciplinary content of a simulation on open-ended problem-solving strategies. In Pinto, Roser; Lopez, Victor, & Simarro, Cristina (Ed.), Computer based learning in science – Conference Proceedings 2012. Learning science in the society of computers (p. 294-303). Barcelone, Espagne : Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (CRECIM).
Meyor, Catherine; Cavalli, Chiara, & Couture, Marc (2013). L’application informatique adisciplinaire : analyse d’une démarche de résolution de problème en vue d’un bilan des compétences. In Actes du VIIe colloque Questions de pédagogies dans l’enseignement supérieur. Les innovations pédagogiques en enseignement supérieur : pédagogies actives en présentiel et à distance (p. 431-436). Sherbrooke, Canada : Université de Sherbrooke.
Couture, Marc, & Cavalli, Chiara (2013). L’effet du caractère disciplinaire d’une simulation informatique sur les stratégies de résolution de problèmes ouverts. In Karsenti, Thierry; Dumouchel, Gabriel, & Collin, Simon (Ed.), Actes du congrès international TIC en éducation. Bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures (p. 280-288). Montréal, Canada : Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante (CRIFPE).
Couture, Marc; Meyor, Catherine; Potvin, Patrice, & Riopel, Martin (2013). Simulations éducatives adisciplinaires et résolution de problèmes. In Karsenti, Thierry; Colllin, Simon, & Dumouchel, Gabriel (Ed.), Actes du congrès international TIC en éducation. Bilan, enjeux actuels et perspectives futures. Montréal, Canada : Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la formation et la profession enseignante.
Meyor, Catherine, & Couture, Marc (2007). La Boîte Noire. Conception et expérimentation pédagogique de simulations informatiques adisciplinaires. In Marquet, Pascal; Hedjerassi, Nassira; Jarlégan, Annette; Pacurar, Ecaterina, & Remoussenard, Patricia (Ed.), Actes du congrès international Actualité de la recherche en éducation et en formation (AREF). Strasbourg, France : Association des enseignants et des chercheurs en sciences de l'éducation.
Couture, Marc, & Meyor, Catherine (2007). La Boîte Noire : conception et expérimentation de simulations informatiques non disciplinaires pour susciter et soutenir la réflexion épistémologique. In Actes du 24e congrès de l'Association internationale de pédagogie universitaire (AIPU) (p. 382-384). Montréal, Canada : Université de Montréal.
Aouiche, Kamel; Lemire, Daniel, & Godin, Robert (2008). Collaborative OLAP with Tag Clouds: Web 2.0 OLAP Formalism and Experimental Evaluation. In Proceedings of WEBIST 2008. Portugal : Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication.
Aouiche, Kamel, & Lemire, Daniel (2007). A Comparison of Five Probabilistic View-Size Estimation Techniques in OLAP. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP. ACM.
Aouiche, Kamel, & Lemire, Daniel (2007). Unasssuming View-Size Estimation Techniques in OLAP. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Portugal : INSTICC.
Kaser, Owen, & Lemire, Daniel (2007). Removing Manually-Generated Boilerplate from Electronic Texts: Experiments with Project Gutenberg e-Books. In Spencer, Bruce; Story, Margaret-Ann, & Stewart, Darlene (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (CASCON '07). Riverton, NJ, É.-U. : IBM.
Kaser, Owen, & Lemire, Daniel (2007). Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithms for Cloud Visualization. In Proceedings of the Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization Workshop, 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2007). Banff, Canada : IW3C2.
Kucerovsky, Dan, & Lemire, Daniel (2007). Monotonicity Analysis over Chains and Curves. In Curve and surface fitting: Avignon 2006 (p. 180-190). Brentwood, TN, É.-U. : Nashboro Press.
Kaser, Owen; Lemire, Daniel, & Keith, Steven (2006). The LitOLAP Project: Data Warehousing with Literature. In Proceedings of the 2006 CaSTA Conference. University of New Brunswick.
Brooks, Martin; Yan, Yuhong, & Lemire, Daniel (2005). Scale-Based Monotonicity Analysis in Qualitative Modelling with Flat Segments. In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Edinburgh, UK : IJICAI.
Lemire, Daniel (2005). A Better Alternative to Piecewise Linear Time Series Segmentation. In Apte, Chid; Skillicorn, David; Liu, Bing, & Parthasara, Srinivasan (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2007 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'07) (p. 545-550). Minneapolis, Minnesota : SIAM.
Lemire, Daniel; Brooks, Martin, & Yan, Yuhong (2005). An Optimal Linear Time Algorithm for Quasi-Monotonic Segmentation. In Han, Jiawei; Wah, Benjamin W.; Vijay, Raghavan; Wu, Xindong, & Rastogi, Rajeev (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM-05) (p. 709-712). Piscataway, NJ : IEEE.
Lemire, Daniel, & Maclachlan, Anna (2005). Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering. In Kargupta, Hillol; Srivastava, Jaideep; Kamath, Chandrika, & Goodman, Arnold (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2005 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'05) (p. 471-475). Newport Beach, CA : SIAM.
Kaser, Owen, & Lemire, Daniel (2003). Attribute Value Reordering for Efficient Hybrid OLAP. In Rizzi, Stefano, & Song, Il-Yeol (Ed.), Proceedings of the ACM Sixth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (p. 1-8). New Orleans, LA : ACM.
Lemire, Daniel (2003). A Family of 4-Point Dyadic Multistep Subdivision Schemes. In Cohen, Albert; Merrien, Jean-Louis, & Scumaker, Larry L. (Ed.), Curves and Surface Fitting: Saint-Malo 2002 (p. 259-268). Brentwood, TN, USA : Nashboro Press.
Lemire, Daniel (2002). Wavelet-Based Relative Prefix Sum Methods for Range Sum Queries in Data Cubes. In Stewart, Darlene A., & Johnson, J. Howard (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (CASCON '02) (p. 6). Riverton, NJ, USA : IBM.
Webb, Hazel; Kaser, Owen, & Lemire, Daniel (2008). Pruning Attributes From Data Cubes with Diamond Dicing. In IDEAS '08 Proceedings of the 2008 international symposium on Database engineering & applications. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.
Kaser, Owen; Lemire, Daniel, & Aouiche, Kamel (2008). Histogram-Aware Sorting for Enhanced Word-Aligned Compression in Bitmap Indexes. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP. ACM.
Lemire, Daniel, & Vellino, Andre (2011). Extracting, Transforming and Archiving Scientific Data. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries. DELOS Association for Digital Libraries.
Kedowide, Colombiano; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Vallières, Évelyne F. (2014). Recognizing blind spot check activity with car drivers based on decision tree classifiers. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-14). Québec, Canada.
Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & De La Cruz, J. Alberto-Montero (2013). Analysis of a Context-aware Recommender System Model for Smart Urban Environment. In Proceedings of the 1th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2013). New York, NY, USA : ACM.
Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Mezghani, Neila (2014). An Analysis of the Transitions between Mobile Application Usages based on Markov Chains. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp'14) (p. 373-378). New York, NY, USA : ACM.
Wassa Mballo, M.-H.; Hotte, Richard; Diop, Alassane, & Niang, Ibrahima (2014). Mobile learning, a solution to vocational training in Senegal. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Web & Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL 2014). Dubai, United Arab Emirates : IEEE.
Wu, Zhao Xin; Nkambou, Roger, & Bourdeau, Jacqueline (2012). Cultural intelligence decision support system for business activities. Paper published in ACEE International Journal on Transportation and Urban Development, 48-54.
Ruer, Perrine; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Zhang, Le; Lemire, Daniel, & Vallières, Évelyne F. (2015). An analysis tool for the contextual information from field experiments on driving fatigue. In Proceeding of the Ninth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (Context 2015). Springer, coll. « LNAI ».
Mezghani, Neila; Toumi, Mohamed; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mitiche, Amar; Hagemeister, Nicola, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2014). Knee kinematic signals clustering for the Identification of sagittal and transverse gait patterns. In Proceedings of the International conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (p. 249-253). Dubai : SDIWC Digital Library. ISBN 978-0-9891305-5-4
Mezghani, Neila; Gaudreault, Nathaly; Ayoubian, Leyla; Fuentes, Alexandre; Mitiche, Amar; Hagemeister, Nicola, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2013). Identification des patrons de la cinématique du genou par une analyse en composantes principales. In Actes de la conférence en Traitement et l'analyse de l’information (TAIMA). Hammamet, Tunisie.
Habli, Amine; Mezghani, Neila; Fuentes, Alexandre, & Benazza, Amel (2013). Classification de pathologies du genou en se basant sur la carte de douleur ePKPM. In Actes de la conférence en Traitement et l'analyse de l’information (TAIMA). Tunisie.
Mezghani, Neila; Phan, Philippe; Mitiche, Amar; Labelle, Hubert, & De Guise, Jacques A. (2010). A computer-aided method for scoliosis fusion level selection by a topologically ordered self organizing Kohonen network. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (p. 4012-4015). IEEE.
Blouin, Joanie; Mezghani, Neila; Cooke, T; Brean, M, & Fuentes, Alexandre (2014). Correlation between knee 3D kinematic parameters during gait and patellofemoral osteoarthritis radiographic grading scale. Abstract published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 22, S97-S98.
Paquette, Gilbert (2012). Référencement par compétence, recherche et assistance dans les environnements d'apprentissage et de travail. In Nkambou, Roger; Narce, Cécile; Cerri, Stefano A.; Boiron, Patrick, & Paliard, Caroline (Ed.), Actes du 8ème Colloque Technlogies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement (TICE 2012). ISBN 978-2-9813635-1-0
Paquette, Gilbert; Rogozan, Delia, & Marino, Olga (2012). Competency comparison relations for recommendation in technology enhanced learning scenarios. In Manouselis, Nikos; Drachsler, Hendrik; Verbert, Katrien, & Santos, Olga C. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Recommender Systems in Technology Enhanced Learning, vol. 896 (p. 23-34). Aachen, Allemagne : CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Hotte, Richard (2012). Apprendre dans son espace Web. In Actes du colloque international de l'université de l'ère numérique (CIUEN 2012). Lyon, France.
Charlier, Bernadette; Henri, France; Peraya, Daniel, & Gillet, Denis (2010). From personal environment to personal learning environment. In Wild, Fridolin; Kalz, Marco, & Palmér, Matthias (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Mashup-Personal Learning Environments (MUPPLE’10), vol. 638. Barcelona, Spain : CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Anderson, Michelle; Ball, Marcel; Boley, Harold; Greene, Stephen; Howse, Nancy; Lemire, Daniel, & McGrath, Sean (2003). RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering System. In Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC COLA 2003.
Plaisance, Jeff; Kurz, Nathan, & Lemire, Daniel (2015). Vectorized VByte Decoding. In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Web Algorithms.
Bejaoui, Rim; Paquette, Gilbert; Basque, Josianne, & Henri, France (2015). Comment personnaliser l'apprentissage dans un cours en ligne ouvert et massif (CLOM) (MOOC)?. In Actes du colloque CIRT@ 2015 (Communauté pour l'innovation et la recherche sur les technologies dans l'enseignement/apprentissage). Sherbrooke, Canada : Cirt@.
Boudreau, Patrick; Vieru, Dragos; Paquette, Gilbert, & Héon, Michel (2016). The Workarounds Process as a Source of Knowledge Creation and Management. In Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (p. 4292-4301). IEEE Computer Society.
Chen, Gengjie; St-Charles, Pierre-Luc; Bouachir, Wassim; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bergevin, Robert (2015). Reproducible evaluation of Pan-Tilt-Zoom tracking. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). IEEE.
Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (2015). Part-based tracking via salient collaborating features. In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (p. 78 - 85). IEEE.
Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (2014). Structure-aware keypoint tracking for partial occlusion handling. In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (p. 877 - 884). IEEE.
Bouachir, Wassim, & Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre (2013). Visual face tracking: a coarse-to-fine target state estimation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) (p. 45 - 51). IEEE. ISBN 9781467364096
Bouachir, Wassim; Kardouchi, Mustapha, & Belacel, Nabil (2010). Fuzzy indexing for bag of features scene categorization. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on I/V Communications and Mobile Network (ISVC). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4244-5996-4
Bouachir, Wassim; Kardouchi, Mustapha, & Belacel, Nabil (2010). Improving bag of visual words image retrieval: a fuzzy weighing scheme for efficient indexation. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS) (p. 215 - 220). IEEE. ISBN 978-1-4244-5740-3
Vallières, Évelyne F.; Ruer, Perrine; Bergeron, Jacques; McDuff, Pierre; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles; Ait-Seddik, Karim, & Mezghani, Neila (2015). Perceived fatigue among aging drivers : an examination of the impact of age and duration of driving time on a simulator. In Proceedings of SOCIOINT15- 2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (p. 314-320). ISBN 978-605-64453-3-0
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou (1999). Mesures électroniques et télémanipulations sur les réseaux informatiques pour la formation, l'apprentissage et le télétravail collaboratif. In Actes du colloque Initiatives 99 : Universités virtuelles, vers un enseignement égalitaire. Edmunston, Canada : AUPELF-UREF.
Plante, Patrick; Desjardins, Guillaume; Dionne, Pierre-Olivier; Marineau, Sophie; Paré, Jean-François; Sauvé, Louise; Savard, Isabelle; Pinard, Anne-Marie; Lemire, Daniel, & Angulo Mendoza, Gustavo Adolfo (Oct 2019). Game Design Service Platform for Seniors' Health and Well-being. Poster presented at the AGE-WELL 2019 Annual Conference, Moncton, Canada.
Brun, Damien; Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & George, Sébastien (May 2019). Toward Discreet Interactions and Publicly Explicit Activities. Paper presented at 1st Workshop on Challenges Using Head-Mounted Displays in Shared and Social Spaces, ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
Henri, France (Sep 2018). Critique de l’ingénierie pédagogique. Comment renouveler la pratique?. Lecture (invited) presented at the Séminaire thématique L’ingénierie des environnements numériques pour des apprentissages émergents, Genève, Suisse.
Bensalma, Fatima; Dunbar, Michael; Whynot, Sarah; Fuentes, Alexandre; Macdonald, Hilary Susan; Ouakrim, Youssef; Richardson, Glen, & Mezghani, Neila (Aug 2018). Correlations between kinematics and clinical measures in end-staged knee osteoarthritis patients. Poster presented at the 20th biennial meeting of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics (CSB 2018), Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Gueziri, Houssem-Eddine; Bouachir, Wassim; Gouiaa, Rafik; Djafri, Ikram, & Bélanger, Nicolas (Aug 2018). Estimating the number of planting microsites using UAV and computer vision. Paper presented at The Montreal Artificial Intelligence Symposium, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Li, Zhenxi; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bouachir, Wassim (Aug 2018). Multi-Branch Siamese Networks with Online Selection for Object Tracking. Paper presented at The Montreal Artificial intelligence Symposium, Montréal, QC, Canada.
Ouakrim, Youssef; Dunbar, Michael; Fuentes, Alexandre; Whynot, Sarah; Macdonald, Hilary Susan; Richardson, Glen, & Mezghani, Neila (Aug 2018). Classification tool identifying knee arthroplasty candidates based on kinematic data and gender. Poster presented at the 20th biennial meeting of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics (CSB 2018), Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Bascans, Clarisse; Mezghani, Neila; Tétreault, Patrice; Skalli, Wafa, & Hagemeister, Nicola (Jan 2018). Scapula morphological parameters and MRI findings to explain variability of the constant score of patients with a supraspinatus tear. Paper presented at the 28th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and the Elbow (SECEC-ESSSE), Genève, Suisse.
Henri, France (Jul 2017). Ingénierie pédagogique des MOOC. Autodirection et instrumentation de l’apprentissage. Lecture (invited) presented at the Rencontres Internationales du Réseau de recherche en éducation et en formation (REF), Paris, France.
Rocheleau, Sylvain, & Paquette, Gilbert (May 2017). Émergence de liens sémantiques à partir du marquage social – une contribution au web social sémantique. Paper presented at 2ème Colloque sur le Web sémantique: à l'intersection du Web des données et de l'intelligence artificielle, Montréal.
Ruer, Perrine; Ferreira, Susan; Vallières, Évelyne F., & Gouin-Vallerand, Charles (May 2017). Designing a Mobile Application for Older Adults: A Case Study to improve Safe Driving. Paper presented at Workshop on Designing Mobile Interactions for the Aging Populations, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'17), Denver, USA.
Lundgren-Cayrol, Karen; Paquette, Gilbert, & Lapointe, Suzanne (Aug 2006). Quality Assurance Strategies for High Quality Learning Objects. Paper presented at the Conférence MERLOT MIC-06.
Bourdeau, Jacqueline; Paquette, Gilbert, & Psyché, Valéry (2003). Vers une ontologie et une base de connaissances en télé-apprentissage. Paper (invited) presented at the Congrès de l’Association Canadienne-Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences (ACFAS), Rimouski, Canada.
Couture, Marc (Jul 2009). Open Access journals copyright policies: An analysis of the information available to prospective authors. Paper presented at the Public Knowledge Project Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Aouiche, Kamel; Lemire, Daniel, & Kaser, Owen (Jun 2008). Tri de la table de faits et compression des index bitmaps avec alignement sur les mots. Paper presented at the 24ièmes journées 'Bases de Données Avancées'.
Henri, France (Sep 2013). Recherche sur les environnements personnels d’apprentissage comme domaine de recherche : de l’objet de recherche à l’objet scientifique. Paper presented at the Symposium sur les Environnements Personnels d’Apprentissage, Université de Genève.
Godin, Robert, & Lemire, Daniel (2024). Programmation avec Python: des jeux au Web. . ISBN 979-8874122553
Lemire, Daniel; Mezghani, Neila; Boissières, Élodie; Godin, Robert; Louafi, Habib; Osei, Richmond; Shuraida, Shadi; Schmitt, Renée-Maria, & Vieru, Dragos (2024). La science des données: Théorie et applications avec R et Python. . ISBN 979-8-3257-7723-3
Godin, Robert, & Lemire, Daniel (2024). Java pas à pas: Introduction à la programmation et au langage Java. . ISBN 979-8-8728-5037-3
Aung, Win; Alexander, Bennett; Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou, & Sandnes, Frode Eika (2013). INNOVATIONS 2013: World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research. Potomac, MD, USA : International Network for Engineering Education and Research (iNEER), coll. « World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research ». ISBN 978-0-9818868-4-8
Paquette, Gilbert (Ed.). (2010). Visual Knowledge Modeling for Semantic Web Technologies - Models and Ontologies. Hersey - New York, U.S.A. : Information Science Reference (IGI Global). ISBN 978-1-61520-839-5
Paquette, Gilbert (2004). Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments. San Francisco : Pfeiffer (Wiley), coll. « Instructional Technology and Training Series ». ISBN 0-7879-6466-2
Paquette, Gilbert (2002). L'ingénierie pédagogique : pour construire l'apprentissage en réseau. Ste-Foy, Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec. ISBN 2-7605-1162-6
Paquette, Gilbert (2002). Modélisation des connaissances et des compétences : un langage graphique pour concevoir et apprendre. Ste-Foy, Québec : Presses de l'Université du Québec. ISBN 2-7605-1163-4
Couture, Marc; Dubé, Marcel, & Malissard, Pierrick (2010). Propriété intellectuelle et université : entre la libre circulation des idées et la privatisation des savoirs. Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université du Québec, coll. « Enseignement supérieur ».
Couture, Marc, & Fournier, René-Paul (Ed.). (1997). La recherche en sciences et en génie : guide pratique et méthodologique. Québec, Canada : Presses de l'Université Laval. ISBN 2-7637-7533-0
Courcot, Blandine (2023). Suivi et modélisation du potentiel hydrique du sol dans un contexte de stress hydrique : le cas d’une érablière à bouleau jaune à la marge nordique de sa distribution (Notes de recherche du Laboratoire sur la science des données)..
Basque, Josianne; Henri, France; Pelletier, Patrick, & Toussaint, Pierre (2016). La co-modélisation de la pratique de supervision de mémoire et de travail de fin d’études en tant qu’activité de développement professionnel continu : Rapport d’une expérience menée à l’Université d’État d’Haïti (rapport de recherche). Université TÉLUQ.
Basque, Josianne; Henri, France; Pelletier, Patrick, & Toussaint, Pierre (2016). Renforcement des capacités d'enseignement dans l'Université en Haïti (rapport de recherche). Université TÉLUQ.
Basque, Josianne; Henri, France; Pelletier, Patrick, & Toussaint, Pierre (2016). Résultats d’un sondage mené auprès d’étudiants de l’Université d’État d’Haïti sur la supervision de mémoire et de travail de fin d’études de 1er cycle (rapport de recherche). Université TÉLUQ.
Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou; Nerguizian, Vahé; Mhiri, Radhi; Hamdjatou, Kane, & Deschênes, Jean-Sébastien (2012). Rapport de Projet : Travaux de laboratoire à distance (T-Lad) (in collaboration with Dodo Amadou, Moustapha, & Youness, Fareh). TELUQ - Université du Québec.
Francis, Alexandre, & Couture, Marc (2002). Credibility of a computer simulation-based science laboratory: An exploratory study of learners' verisimilitude judgments (rapport technique). Télé-université, Centre de recherche LICEF.
Chen, Gengjie; St-Charles, Pierre-Luc; Bouachir, Wassim; Joeisseint, Thomas; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Bergevin, Robert (2015). Reproducible evaluation of Pan-Tilt-Zoom tracking (extended version of the 2015 ICIP paper) (rapport de recherche présenté à IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP))..
Whiten, Chris; Bouachir, Wassim; Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre, & Laganière, Robert (2012). The current state of face tracking for video surveillance (rapport de recherche). Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
Couture, Marc (2020). Canadian OA scholarly journals: An exhaustive survey. Unpublished manuscript, Université TÉLUQ.
Couture, Marc (2015). Les licences Creative Commons et l’accès libre. Unpublished manuscript, Télé-université (Université du Québec), Département Science et Technologie.
Dionne, Jean Philippe (2024). Générateur de textes aléatoires automatiquement lemmatisés (Master's thesis, Université TÉLUQ, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel.
Bellerive, Patrick (2023). Apprentissage machine pour la prédiction de l’effet de la réadaptation physique sur le genou pathologique (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Mezghani, Neila.
Courcot, Blandine (2023). Suivi et modélisation du potentiel hydrique du sol dans un contexte de stress climatiques : le cas d'une érablière à bouleau jaune à la marge nordique de sa distribution. (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel, & Bélanger, Nicolas.
Guévin-Kamena, Roger (2023). Réglage fin par ensemble convergent de divers modèles transformers pour l’analyse du sentiment (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel.
Ntang, Pierre Marie (2023). Visualiser pour comprendre : application à la programmation vectorielle (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel, & Robert, Serge.
Volpato, Vincent (2023). L'architecture d'entreprise et les diagrammes portant sur une page : vers une reconceptualisation théorique des types d'artefact à l'aide de l'objet-frontière (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Vieru, Dragos.
Germeil, Gary (2022). La crédibilité du comportement d'un personnage non-joueur dans un jeu de type cartes à collectionner (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Hotte, Richard, & Lemire, Daniel.
Grenier, Jean-François (2022). Segmentation sémantique par réseaux neuronaux des espèces indésirables dans la culture du bleuet sauvage (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel.
Lopez Chavez, Marina Adriana (2022). Proposition d’une plateforme de gestion des données de recherche et son adoption par les chercheurs en environnement et informatique dans le contexte de la recherche en foresterie au Québec (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel, & Bélanger, Nicolas.
Verret, Carl (2022). Analyse d'un nouvel algorithme et conception d'une librairie en C# permettant la conversion des nombres décimaux en nombres à virgule flottante (IEEE 754) (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel.
Brun, Damien (2021). Démocratisation des visiocasques de réalité augmentée : Perspective de la saisie de texte dans des environnements de travail (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & George, Sébastien.
Croteau, Carine (2021). Recherche et analyse de solutions performantes pour le traitement de fichiers JSON dans un langage de haut niveau (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel.
Coulombe, Claude (2020). Techniques d’amplification des données textuelles pour l'apprentissage profond (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Paquette, Gilbert; Mezghani, Neila, & Gagnon, Michel.
Khei, Tarek (2020). Établir les correspondances entre les artéfacts d’un système d’information (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Lemire, Daniel, & Hotte, Richard.
Rocheleau, Sylvain (2019). Automatisation de la découverte de relations sémantiques entre contenus circulant sur les dispositifs sociotechniques (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Paquette, Gilbert, & George, Éric.
Ruer, Perrine (2019). Assistance à la conduite automobile pour personnes vieillissantes : conception et évaluation d'un système Affichage tête haute (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Gouin-Vallerand, Charles, & Vallières, Évelyne F..
Abdessettar, Tariq (2018). Développement d'un système de classification automatique de l'activité physique (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Mezghani, Neila.
Dumas, Michel (2018). Développement d'une approche afin d'accroître la performance d'une Vice-Présidence aux technologies de l'information (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Mezghani, Neila.
Merdaoui, Badis (2018). Simulation probabilistique d'acquisition des langues secondes (ALS) (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Hotte, Richard, & Lemire, Daniel.
Aubuchon, Isabelle (2017). Élaboration d'une méthode facilitant la conception d'un jeu vidéo destiné aux apprentissages ciblés (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Hotte, Richard.
Bejaoui, Rim (2017). Assistance à la conception de cours en ligne ouverts et massifs soutenant un apprentissage personnalisé (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Paquette, Gilbert, & Basque, Josianne.
Bourdeau, Mélissa (2017). Le traversement de la connaissance dans le contexte des centres de services partagés livrant des services TI : une analyse qualitative (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Vieru, Dragos.
Moudachirou, Mohamed Kazim (2017). Classification et forêts aléatoires : Application à l’aide à la décision chirurgicale du genou par arthroplastie (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Mezghani, Neila.
Wu, Zhao Xin (2013). Un modèle computationnel d'intelligence culturelle ouvert et extensible (Doctoral dissertation, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada). Advisor(s): Bourdeau, Jacqueline, & Nkambou, Roger.
Savard, Isabelle (2014). Modélisation des connaissances pour un design pédagogique intégrant les variables culturelles (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Canada). Advisor(s): Bourdeau, Jacqueline, & Paquette, Gilbert.
Dionne, Cyril (2011). Les interfaces intelligentes en éducation à distance : la réaction émotive de l'apprenant soumis à une représentation graphique (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou.
Félix, Yasmine (2010). Analyse des besoins technologiques des apprenants à distance à la Télé-université (Master's thesis, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Gagné, Pierre, & Marino, Olga.
Héon, Michel (2010). OntoCASE : méthodologie et assistant logiciel pour une ingénierie ontologique fondée sur la transformation d'un modèle semi-formel (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université du Québec à Montréal, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Basque, Josianne, & Paquette, Gilbert.
Codruta Rogozan, Delia (2008). Gestion de l'évolution des ontologies : méthodes et outils pour un référencement sémantique évolutif fondé sur une analyse des changements entre versions d'ontologie (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Paquette, Gilbert, & Hotte, Richard.
Moulet, Lucie (2011). Modélisation de l'apprenant avec une approche par compétences dans le cadre d'environnements d'apprentissage en ligne (Doctoral dissertation, Télé-université, Québec, Canada). Advisor(s): Marino, Olga; Hotte, Richard, & Labat, Jean-Marc.
Bouachir, Wassim (2014). Suivi d'objets par caractéristiques locales encodant la structure (Doctoral dissertation, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada). Advisor(s): Bilodeau, Guillaume-Alexandre.
Bouachir, Wassim (2010). Recherche d'images et classification par mots visuels et descripteurs flous (Master's thesis, Université de Moncton, Moncton, Canada). Advisor(s): Kardouchi, Mustapha, & Belacel, Nabil.
Angulo Mendoza, Gustavo Adolfo; Plante, Patrick, & Brassard, Caroline (Ed.). (2023). Regards sur les technologies immersives en éducation et en formation [numéro thématique]. Médiations et médiatisations (15).