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Professional mobility between France and Quebec. Understanding the role and pertinence of mutual recognition agreements. [r-libre/741]

Bédard, Jean-Luc et Roger, Lucie (mars 2015). Professional mobility between France and Quebec. Understanding the role and pertinence of mutual recognition agreements.. Communication présentée à la Interim Conference "Professions, Bonds and Boundaries. Visioning a globalising, managed and inclubisive professionalism", Milan, Italie.

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[img]  PDF - Bédard, Roger MILAN 2015 final.pdf
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Catégorie de document : Communications à des congrès/colloques et conférences (non publiées)
Évaluation par un comité de lecture : Oui
Étape de publication : Non publié
Résumé : Mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) between France and Quebec are governed, in Quebec, by the regulatory bodies that oversee quality of professionals’ services. These professional orders have responsibilities over initial certification, skills recognition and ongoing maintenance of benchmark quality standards of professional practice. Once concluded, each MRA has then been implemented through regulations that define eligibility and specific scenarios of complementary training and/or successful examination. Therefore, professional orders navigate between legal obligations linked to public protection and political and economic pressures to promote transnational mobility. We will discuss here results from case studies among engineers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Various factors contribute to shape the course of entry into regulated professions by French immigrants in Quebec. Namely, local job market has various attractive or repulsive aspects, linked to each profession’s comparative practice and treatment in France and Quebec. MRAs are used for various reasons, relating to each profession’s differing characteristics in France and Quebec: work contract, mobility, transnational opportunities, etc. French professionals in Quebec face new ideas and activities inside their profession, as well as propose changes in their profession’s practice and professionalism in the host society. During the study, we observed various trends of professional development initiated by these new arriving professionals (e.g. new professional associations, social media, and perception of the profession). Analysis leads to comment on key aspects of the governance of these MRAs, through their design and implementation: pertinence, awareness of practical conditions, and role among professionals through the host society’s perspective.
Déposant: Bédard, Jean-Luc
Responsable : Jean-Luc Bédard
Dépôt : 27 oct. 2015 17:36
Dernière modification : 27 oct. 2015 17:36

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